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Space shuttle's landing delayed

Guest Glenn

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Source: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,20 ... 02,00.html


NASA delayed the landing of the space shuttle by a day due to bad weather expected at the Florida landing site and because it wanted time to examine video of an object seen falling out of the craft.NASA rescheduled touchdown at the Kennedy Space Centre for 1.22am (AEST) Friday.


"Based on this weather we're having, we're going to waive off tomorrow," astronaut Terry Virts from Mission Control in Houston told Atlantis commander Brent Jett.


NASA also had concerns about a video taken by a shuttle camera of an unidentified small dark object that appeared to fly out of the craft's payload bay on Tuesday.


Johnson Space Centre spokesman Doug Peterson said the object was a mystery.


"At this point, we're not willing to hazard a guess," Mr Peterson said.

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