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Do you believe in UFO's?

Todd M

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Well, do you believe in UFO's? I, personally, do believe their are other life forms out there that may or are more intelligent and advanced than us. Some UFO Sightings are crackpot, but others certainly have credibility. I guess it all comes down to what we want to believe, I want to believe there is other life out there, that we are not alone in this vast expanse of a universe. Others wish to believe that we are alone, it is just us in among a pool of planets and stars.


For those who deny that other life may visit this planet with the argument of they would reveal themselves to us, it may be a matter of thinking that any other life coming to this planet may only be gathering intelligence. Seeing who and what we are, how we act, what we watch and listen too, and what we speak.


As I said above it is more what you choose to believe, I believe it I spose because I don't want to be alone in the universe. I hold the hope and belief that something else is out there,


So what are your arguments for yay or nay?



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Guest WillMikoyan

I can't say that I think there are lifeforms out there similar to humans or even in the same context as us.


I can say that as a matter of speech I believe in UFO's but only through the fact that anything you can't tell what it is and it's flying is a UFO. Unidentifiable Flying Object. It might turn out to be a Cessna or something but you cant tell untill you recognise it.



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I can't say i believe. However i have been to Area 51 and although i didnt see anything - some of the storys seem realistic.

Hey Matt,


Was the trip to Area 51 worth while I have wanted to go out there for a while now.


And to awnser the question YES I believe in Unidentified Flying Objects.





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Yes I believe. I have seen something a few years ago, a light going backwards and forwards across the sky and then would suddenly stop and change direction.


I believe we originated from Mars. Mars was once like Earth is today and something went wrong and we had to find a new planet.


Another theory of mine is that we a one huge experiment and were put on Earth to see if we could cope. We are either still being watched or have been abandoned.



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I believe we originated from Mars. Mars was once like Earth is today and something went wrong and we had to find a new planet.Another theory of mine is that we a one huge experiment and were put on Earth to see if we could cope. We are either still being watched or have been abandoned.

You have been watching too many Science Fiction movies Glann lol


Hey Matt,

Was the trip to Area 51 worth while I have wanted to go out there for a while now.

Yes it was, not much there though. Its really just a thing you as a stop over for half an hour on your way to somewhere. Its good, call into the servo's and everyone will tell you their story, everone there has seen a UFO of some sort.



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