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Spotting Locations

Guest this way up

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Guest this way up

G'day All,


Thought we could all share the best spots at our local airports to spot from. ie. street names etc


This Way Up



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Guest Chainsaw

Good idea,


Especially useful for non-major centres, local knowledge, rules etc.


If we get enough response, TAA could use this as a resource.


Glad you have joined us TWU :)





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G'Day TWU and welcome aboard


Where are you located at?


I'm based in country NSW in a town called Cowra, west of Bathurst. Spotting is pretty good here when something nice comes in. No security fences and as a member of the aero club I have authority to go airside and check out anything that comes in.


You might like to check out our famous topic "Am I addicted to Aviation?" - http://www.theaussieaviator.net/viewtopic.php?t=1059


There are also a few other posts by me with photos from the local airport.


Enjoy :)



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Guest this way up



I'm in Queensland, more or less Brisbane based at the moment.


I lived for two years in Toowoomba, a small airport, not a bad location for spotting, if you have a good radio station to listen to in between birds. couple of good spots, one is along Bridge St parallel to the runway the other is at either end of the all weather runway (better end to the west) where you have the planes fly right over head and if your quick with the shutter you can get some reasonable shots.


As for Brisbane, you have Archerfield and the main Brisbane Airport, haven't full sussed these yet, Archerfield has potential at the head of the runway (not in the no standing zone) and only been in the terminal at Brisbane, although you get a good look at the runway from the central boarding ramp.


have fun looking up


TWU 8)



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Guest lonewolf

I am lucky in that I can go to the tower reserve at Jandakot or the top of the Aero Club building and watch the comings and goings of GA aircraft in large numbers.


Or I can go to My sisters place at BUllsbrook (Pearce Airbase) and sit in the pool watch the antics of the military aircraft.


Failing that I can go to the observation deck at the domestic terminal of YPPH and watch the commercials. My favourite is Jandakot because of the huge number of aircraft coming and going.



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