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Aerobatics at Cowra

Guest Glenn

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Guest Glenn

Today 5 aerobatic aircraft and 2 GA aircraft decended upon Cowra today for a practice run and to suss out Cowra as a possible location for next years state championships.


Cowra is looking good as the new location instead of Parkes for the state championships and possibly the nationals. The reason being is that Cowra isn't as from from Sydney as Parkes is and we are more aircraft friendly in terms of we don't have RPT traffic and we have more parking room for aircraft.


Aircraft in attendance today were 3 Pitts special's, 1 DR-107, Extra 300S, Beechcraft Bonanza and Piper Lance. Regos below


Aerobatic aircraft


VH-NIS Extra 300S




VH-UDP Pitts


VH-FFW Pitts


VH-NUK Pitts


GA aircraft used to ferry more pilots


VH-JNV Piper Lance


VH-AHM - Bonanza


Photos can be viewed in the gallery by clicking the link below.


http://www.theaussieaviator.net/gallery ... hp?cat=541



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Moving pictures at:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IXDtnVBSTg]YouTube - Cowra Arrival[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3l5p_TJkT8]YouTube - Cowra Aerobatic Practice Day[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9DJWsGErHI]YouTube - Cowra - Tom "Mr Magic" Moon Aerobatic Display (no music)[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYn6ZzZyQ78]YouTube - Coming home to Bankstown Airport - Sydney[/ame]


I agree that RPT and the associated security is detrimental to an aerobatic contest however Parkes seems to have plenty of room to park aircraft.


It wouldn't surprise me if the current committee change their longstanding policy of not holding a national contest at the same venue as a state contest.


The big question is whether Cowra is more "people friendly" than Parkes? i.e. facilities and things to do for families of competitors; accommodation; restaurants? People have chosen not to attend the nationals in the past because Parkes does not measure up.



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Guest Glenn

I'll check out those vids later on.


I've never been to Parkes airport, only flown over it so can' comment on the aircraft parking but I know that Cowra's airport is closer to town and there are a couple motels nearby too.


The pilots attended yesterday commented on how our Aero Club were very welcoming and we put on a BBQ lunch that was a hit.


It would be good to have an event such as this for the town. It wasn't advertised yesterday but we had a lot of locals coming out to see what was happening and enjoyed our BBQ. This is due to the fact that the airport is so close to town. I live almost in the middle of town and it only takes me 7 1/2 minutes from the airport to home. Home to the airport sometimes quicker, depending on if I see something exciting fly over my house (like a DC-3 )



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I've never been to Cowra and not involved in decisions to hold either national or NSW championships there however a number of us Victorians take a keen interest in the contest venues. i.e. do we go or not?


If my motel is not within easy walking distance then I don't care whether its a one minute drive or ten minutes. I'm more interested in the choice of motel and the standard.


A "welcoming Aero Club" is essential - so are Parkes and Temora.


I'm interested in location and orientation of the aerobatic box wrt the where the pilots will be i.e. do we get to look into the sun all afternoon or not?


I'm interested in activities in town for family members.


I'm interested in a good contest venue rather than help property developers get rich.





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Glenn

Wish I knew you were here, could've come over to meet you.


So does Cowra get your vote as a place to hold the aerobatic championships?



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Was flying down from Brisbane, no fixed plans, Cowra just happened to be in the right place at the right time.


I don't get a vote on venue for the Championships.


Met the guy with the Gere Sport.



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