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Brisbane Airport Flight Lookup - BETA testers wanted

Guest Tony Jones

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Guest Tony Jones

Hi All,


I am completing a new program, called Brisbane Airport Flight Lookup (BAFL) that interfaces with a number of sites, the main one being Brisbane Airport, as well as weather, METAR etc.


The desktop based program displays all flight info for the current day, breaking down to Dom. Arrivals, Dom. Departures, Int. Arrivals and Int. Departures.


Yes, I know the BAC site handles flights, but BAFL gives you a lot more info, plus, there's no need to launch your browser.


I am looking for a hand full of people who'd like to beta test BAFL over the next few weeks. BAFL runs on Windows platforms only and you'll need ADSL, or cable for fast downloads, as well as 1024x768 (Or better) screen resolution.


If you're able to test the program, email me any about any bugs, comments, suggestions etc, I'd appreciate hearing from you.


A screenshot of the main screen, with Emirates details, can be found here: http://qldemail.com/bafl/baflmain.jpg


If you are interested, please email me; [email protected], using the subject line, BAFL, so I can untangle you from the myriad of spam I get each day.


Thanks for reading this.



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