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Yo !!!


I picked up a little baby tripod off ebay for $1 I mean its probably about 30 centimers just wanted something to steady those close up ground level shots.


I also picked up a tripod for $3 that is 1.05 meters that I plan to use with my dvd camcorder I pick the wrong one up as I thought it was the 1.55 meter one oh well not to worry as there is only a small difference in size.


Just wondering if a 1.08 meter tripod is ok? The DVD camera I use has a fold out screen so I can easily look down on the screen and I think that would actually be better.




I am spewing I missed out on the 1.55 meter one for the same price doh!!!! ****** ebay !!!


Oh well if this one does not work to well can always pickup the other size.



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Guest OzChris

There certainly are some bargains on Ebay - and some cheap rubbish too. Be cautious!


I find a good size is between around a meter - 1.8 meters, depending on the shot. The tripod I use has a wind up (telescopic) head on it, that way I have a tripod from 1m - 1.8m high...one tripod with a lot of scope.



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So you have the same tripod as me?


The one is 1.08 and it extends so its probably the same size.. So I take it there a ok size?


I don't care if its rubbish only $3 lol it will do until i get something better :)


Edit: oops you said 1.8 meters not 1.08



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Guest OzChris

Yeah - mine is 1m through to 1.8m


You will find that at 1.08 it will be fine for most applications - as long as you dont mind bending over



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