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Sydney Airport

Guest Darren Masters

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Guest Darren Masters

Is it just me or do others think that Sydney Airport, for an international airport, is the shambles? They have been at it for ages with the construction in the terminal and I have flown overseas several times in the last year. It is amazing how quick the new carpark was completed even though work for that started after the terminal work. I guess that's because Macquarie Bank sees the carpark as a massive money printing machine. I just can't believe sitting there today when dropping of relatives we had 2 coffee shops to chose from or an Oporto. There is temporary airconditioning everywhere and wires exposed all over the place. Infact, when our visitors arrive the exposed wires and aircon ducts is what they are greeted with when they come through customs. If Hanoi Vietnam can have a nice airport what on earth are SACL doing here? Anyway, I feel better now after venting.



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I have not been there recent, but from what your describing it sounds "****" and "disgusting" not a very good first impression for tourists to get of Sydney.


Sounds like its all in shambles.



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Guest Darren Masters
DarrenI have not been there recent, but from what your describing it sounds "****" and "disgusting" not a very good first impression for tourists to get of Sydney.


Sounds like its all in shambles.

Well yes, for an international airport it certainly is not the best. Wonder what you thought Dave C when you flew out/back last time? It looks even worse now.



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Guest Michael Coates

This is a familiar story at just about any international airport in the world.... We commented on this about 5 years ago and started our own survey and there has not been 1 single int airport i have been to since that isnt under reconstruction or extension in the past 5 years. It's a fact of life i think... Probably the worst looking is the restaurant at LAX.



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Guest Darren Masters

Ha ha ha. Most of the Sydney terminal looks like that :biggrin: It really does have a lack of facilities for a major airport though. Always has as far as I am concerned. You would expect the same standard maybe at an airport like Hobart or somewhere like that...



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You have to remember though there is nothing in Ho Chi Minh airport but Saigon Greens and a duty free shop When its completed though i think it should look really nice. There is no place like Sydney International.



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Guest Darren Masters

I was referring to Hanoi. Have not been to Ho Chi Minh yet.


There is no place like Sydney International.

I think we have to agree to disagree on this one Changi, for example, leaves it for dead. The only facilities they have at Sydney Airport are facilities they can make stacks of money from.



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Guest Darren Masters

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