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Formation endorsement trip around Sydney basin


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Hi guys,


Thought I would try posting up some photos for the first time - i've put my pics in the air to air gallery but im not sure how to just post up my photos only... The link is here - http://theaussieaviator.net/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=519


Myself and one of the instructors I flew with while doing my PPL have wanted to get out formation rating for quite a while now and we finally got around to doing it last month. This was the final checkride before getting signed off and it was quite a fun trip. The two planes were Curtis aviations Citabrias - quite a fun little airplane indeed!


We started off at Camden, then headed north over the training area to practice some turns and break-rejoins. As we approached Penrith we realised that Richmond was a CTAF so we could wander in and get some photos over there. Next we headed down Victor 1 to Wollongong then back to Camden where we met up with Tim in the T6 Texan. Since this was too good an opportunity to pass up we put Tim in the lead and the two Citabrias went left/right echelon which made a nice "flying V' formation.


Anyways, I hoper you guys enjoy the pics :)







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  • 2 months later...
Guest TAA finny

Sounds like a load of fun. Just curious, about how many hours did you end up doing for the formation endorsement. I'm looking to add a new rating to my lisense and formation sounds like it would be a blast.



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Great pictures! We've been down that Victor 1 route- it's incredibly scenic. I'll attach a pic of Dorothy going past Vaucluse (if I can remember how to do it!).













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Hi Finny,


I did the rating through Curtis aviation - the syllabus is on average 5 hours. We did it in about 4.5. Its a great challenge and you learn a lot about what the aircraft is doing and how secondary effects of controls work.


Give it a go, i'm sure you'll have a blast.







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