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Amelia Earhart's lost Lockheed' whereabouts.


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I met David recently to just drop off a DVD and left six and a half hours later after having some deep and interesting discussions with him.


He certainly convinced me, by having me come up with answers to questions he put to me as to how Amelia could have gotten to the probable crash site. With each answer he showed me how that could easily have happened.


Of course the Americans don't want to know ... they know better, but many of their calculations are made upon official figures, like fuel consumption that Lockheed promulgated.


Some of us know that blokes like Lindberg had found ways of doing better than the book figures and Charlie had taken Amelia under his wing and passed on his knowledge.


I mentioned to David the story an old bomber pilot told me years ago, how he always arrived back in England with more fuel than anyone else.


David was interested to have one of his theories backed up and later I happened to mention the old pilot's name David was stoked. He knew him too.


Another thing that came up was the Americans reckoned Amelia didn't know about the Rabaul airstrip... it wasn't on any of her maps. Boy were they pretty empty bits of paper. Most were mud maps drawn by navigators with little coastline on them. Noonan was astro navigating the aircraft.


I said, "She was in Lae for a couple of days. The pilots there would have told her about Rabaul; surely. We do pass any relevant info onto each other don't we. If she had an engine failure hundreds of miles into the flight. Rabaul would have been closer than Lae.


There are many things I've heard from people who spoke to people who where there, like, how she was so overloaded on takeoff that she disappeared below the end of the Lae strip where it finished as a cliff and was seen leaving two wakes on the Huon Gulf as the aircraft became a dot on the horizon. She wasn't going to be climbing very well or flying as fast as some would believe for quite some time.


As far as I'm concerned I think we are going to hear of the second Bernard O'Reilly of the Lamington plateau, Stinson fame.


Every one told Bernard HE was wrong and could prove it, but he went with his belief and found the aircraft. He got to save three lives as well as finding the crash.


It's going to be interesting!



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