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Happy Birthday

Guest aviatrix27

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Guest Chainsaw

Happy birthday son. I hope you had a good day. One of these days I'll put up another Chainy's challenge to give you something to do ;)



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Guest g_i_jack029

alright alright, It was great!!!!!


Did a very long pre-flight, talked about all the stuff we inspected. He gave me a basic run down on the control surfaces, then jumped in the Piper Warrior, got the headset on and started running through the checklists. My instructor made me do nearly everything, from turning switches that were infront of him.


Then he made me do everything in the checklist, i pushed the throttle 1/4 inch open, turned the key, engine came to life. Increased RPM to 1000, check engine gages, taxi to run-up area.


I put the brake on, then we ran through the next checklist, i increased RPM to 2000, checked engine gages, left magneto, both, right mag both. Then decreased throttle to 1000 RPM, one last check on engine gages. Checked control surfaces had full movement.


Then i taxiied the warrior to the hold point of Runway 17/35. Instructor made radio call, waited 5 seconds for any response. Then i back taxiied down the runway, did a U turn and lined up on 17.


Another quick checklist, ensure correct runway, ensure runway clear, check heading indicator is indicating correct to compass. Then i was told to smoothly increase throttle to maximum and we began rolling. The instructor kept us lined on the runway while i (@60kts) rotated the aircraft gently to about 10 degrees nose up or something similar. Kept the spinner on a tree line in the distance and kept the wings level.


Then i was told to make a steady left hand turn onto crosswind, my but being dead and not really caring, it was probably the most uncoordinated flight my instructor had ever seen. so i think he took care of keeping us coordinated. Anyway, he told me to continue the climbing turn over the aerodrome, while he was looking for traffic and making sure i wasn't going to kill us both.


Leveled off, headed eaglehawk way, i asked if i wanted to do a right turn, so i did and probably climbed and descended 300 or 400 feet in the turn (it was bumpy and winds were 160/16) then i made a left 30 degree turn over where the fires in eaglehawk occured, got a good look.


Then leveled off, instructor took the aircraft and demonstrated a 60 degree bank (coz i had been asking about maximum turn bank), felt 2Gs, then he messed the trim up and i had to recover from it. then we flew over the CBD and did one more 360 because we were too high for the pattern


Then, entered on a crosswind for 17, he was probably holding ALOT of rudder to keep us crabed and flying straight (i was too busy looking at things and fiddling. Then i flew the rest of the pattern, extended the DWind a bit. Then at about 500ft, i handed the aircraft to the instructor and he nailed the landing.


Dad said from the start of the approach until the instructor was pretty wobbly, then all of a sudden the aircraft came into a beautiful approach and landing *red face*


Taxiied in, parked her into the wind and bobs your uncle, fanny's your aunt, thats the TIF over :(


GREAT FUN, can't wait for next lesson!!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest OzChris

Dam - I missed Jacks birthday :[


Sorry mate I was away on training!


A very happy belated birthday wish mate



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