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My R44 flight Taupo New Zealand.

Guest Darren Masters

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Guest Darren Masters

Today I was lucky enough to go for a 30min flight around Taupo New Zealand in a Robinson R44 rego ZK-HKP. Flew around the lake and the other attractions. Very smooth flying and absolutely brilliant visibility and scenery. Thanks to pilot Kevin for the memorable flight and priceless memories!


Prior to take-off in ZK-HKP. My jeans always get in the way!



We are airborne in ZK-HKP.






Tracking towards Lake Taupo.







Over Lake Taupo.










Pilot Kevin.







Approaching Huka Falls.







Huka Falls.










Approaching Taupo Power Station.










Turning towards Craters of the Moon.







Craters of the moon.







Tracking out towards Lake Taupo.







Descending down to 500ft over the water.







Right-hand turn over the coastline.







Left-hand turn to come back around.







Beautiful scenery.










Hovering above the Maori rock carvings. You can't get a better view that this!







Departing back to the airport.







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Guest David C

What a buzz Darren ... Seems like you had a great time there , but honestly now , how did it compare with almost getting inverted with Uncle Fred in the Bantam or coaxing the Bantam on a sick engine with Sunny ????:biggrin: Have fun mate ..


Dave C



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Guest OzChris

Wow - you are lucky! Some pretty amazing shots there mate!


I just thank God you had jeans on this time Darren...





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Guest Darren Masters

Glad you enjoyed it guys. I will do a general one in the NZ spotting/movements thread soon. There was plenty more to see there. Yes Dave, it was a blast. I have had some 'interesting' experiences one would say



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Hehe Cool Photos Darren I remember when i went to Taupo i rained almost eveyday but Huka Falls i went on the Huka Jet (Boat) that was loads of fun go right up close to the falls scary but fun hehe i want to go back to New Zealand i almost died when i saw seats going from Sydney to Auckland Jetsaver for ONLY $38 i was like wow too bad i live on the Goldcoast hehe


but yeah great pictures





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Guest Darren Masters

Thanks Mattie The rain has not stopped over the last few weeks mate so I was lucky on Sunday. Got some shots of the jetboat but they did not turn out clear with the vibration of the hover.



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Guest OzChris

Darren, is it normal for the pilot to fly from the RIGHT seat in a helicopter??


I havent been in a helicopter before...and hope it stays that way ;]



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Guest Darren Masters

They are indeed flown from the right seat Chris. By the way don't avoid mate because you are concerned about safety or anything else. You don't know what you are missing. Highly addictive. Tempted to look into rotary here...



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Guest OzChris
Choppers are flown from the right seat. There are lots of theories why this is.

Is that 'cause they aren't *real* pilots? :biggrin:

Just kidding :redface:


You don't know what you are missing. Highly addictive.

I have enough addictions... :P



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Guest David C

Darren .... I' would love to give the helos a go .. Just need the cash !!! . Perhaps a TIF would be the go , then save for 3 months for the first lesson :biggrin:.. We flew in a Squirrel a few years ago over the Barrier Reef , it was amazing , and an experience I'll never forget ... All the best mate ..


Dave C



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