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My new baby

Guest Darren Masters

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Guest Darren Masters

Well...almost new. Subaru Legacy Twin Turbo. Same engine as the WRX (except this is a twin turbo) and goes like a little angel. Any suggestions for names? Finally got something I have wanted for a while. Next is an R22 (yeah right)...workin' on that one!






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Guest Darren Masters
Now you can drag Paul !!!!I had no hope in the SS :( I kept loosing you guys in traffic :( Then I had a old grandma in my lane :(

LOL. This is a little quicker than Pauly's!



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Guest Chainsaw

Nice and white... oh I know Dazza.....































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Sorry to put a damper on things but we lost an innocent bloke over here a couple days ago. He was just moseying along in his car with his girlfriend and got cleaned up by two Subaru WRX's that were dragging...... Cut his car in half, killed him and critically injured his girlfriend. The drivers of the two Subaru's have both been charged with causing death by dangerous driving, and I am willing to lay odds they will both do jail time. But that won't be the worst of it- they'll have to live with their stupidity for the rest of their lives.


So Robbo and Darren (and maybe others), I like the look of the car- and it'll be great for towing your R22 on its trailer, but please, please, save the dragging for the race track. Otherwise, the person you kill might be one of us....





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settle down coop......


I said nothing about draggin on the highway, coming from me who has never ever lost a demerit point in 12+ years of driving !!!


And when I said I had no hope in catching him, that was because there was people in my lane and were going 80k in a 100 zone and i couldn't get past them.


and for your information, I was talking about dragging on the race tracks you can hire out.. Take a chill pill mate.



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Now you can drag Paul !!!!I had no hope in the SS :( I kept loosing you guys in traffic :( Then I had a old grandma in my lane :(

I suspect some "cognitive distortions" here Robbo. You mean to say that "I kept loosing you guys in traffic" means you were on a drag strip? With a grandma in front of you?


Just take it easy on the roads, eh?





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The grandma was in front of me doing 80k and the boys were doing 100k in the other lane, so of course I am goner loose them in traffic if there doing 20k more than me !


I have never gone over the speed limit in my life, and I have no demerits to show that!!!



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Guest Glenn

Self control and self moderating fellows. I would hate to lock this topic.


Let's not turn a postive topic into a negative one.



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Guest Darren Masters

Geez, leave you blokes for 5mins and look what happens :biggrin: Understand the concern Coop. Saw alot of it in my past job. What can I say? Some people should not have these cars. I have enough self-control though...



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Understand the concern Coop. Saw alot of it in my past job.

Yep. Seen too much of it myself. And I don't even work in a field that would necessarily bring me into contact with it. Out in the sticks once and tried to help the survivors of a bingle which simply involved high speed on a country road- single vehicle accident (too fast- lost control). Six in the car, two dead when I arrived, and ultimately only two survived. All young people (as I was, then). I was there for about an hour trying to keep a 16-yr old breathing. That sort of experience gives you a whole new perspective on speed and power on the road.

But enough of this doom and gloom. Robbo, I commend your pristine record, may it long remain so, and may you never witness (let alone be involved in) any of the consequences of a "rush of blood"





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Guest OzChris

Thanks for the wise words of caution Coop...


We all need a reminder of the dangers on the roads, particularly when speed, adrenalin and testosterone is involved.


Darren Im sure you will be a responsible driver, but it is a good reminder to us all none the less.


Darren how about a name like - Subar-Sonic :]



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I have seen some bad cases when I worked for the RFDS/Air Ambulance years ago and having friends that fly the Victorian Ambulance Rescue Helicopters I know what speed does to you !


as we speak a young girl has lost her life just up the road from me, police are just clearing the scene. very very sad...


Let's end the sad discussion and focus on Darrens new toy, hey Darren I reckon we could get some girls with that car :)



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Kings Cross?




I remember watching that NZ police show, can't remember what it's called not motorway patrol something else and it seems there is some nightlife around NZ :)



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