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Hi all...New Here

Guest FreeLance_Flyer82

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Guest FreeLance_Flyer82

Hi there, im new to this and just starting out in my flying adventures. hope to chat with many of you and share my learning adventures with you all. would love for any advice i can get and would also really value answers to some of those tricky questions that us learner have as we go. look forward to being a member of this community.



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Guest RossCJ

Hi FreeLance_Flyer82,


Welcome to the forum. I'm just starting out in rec aviation like yourself. What type of aircraft are you considering to learn to fly in? I have narrowed my own choice down to trikes (weight shift).


RossCJ :big_grin:



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Guest FreeLance_Flyer82

Hi RossCJ,


I have spent alot of time looking into what type i want to learn and have decided on 3 axis. i like the look of both the Jabiru and tecnam. I do however think that i wouldn't mind checking out the LSA if the opportunity comes my way.





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