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Guest palexxxx

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Guest palexxxx

A couple young, entrepreneurial prostitutes were riding around town with a sign on the top of their car that read: “Two Prostitutes - $50.00.†A police officer, seeing the sign, pulled the ladies over and advised that they will have to remove the sign or go to jail.


Right about that time a minivan passed by with a sign on the side of it that read: “Jesus Saves.â€Â


“How come you don’t stop them?!†asked one of the girls.


“Well, that’s a little different,†the officer replied… “their sign pertains to religion.â€Â


The two ladies of the night pouted a bit, but they took their sign down and drove off peacefully.


The following day the same police officer was running radar when he noticed the same two young ladies driving around with another sign on their car.


Figuring he had an easy arrest, he flipped his lights on and began to catch up when he noticed the what the ew sign read:


“Two Fallen Angels Seeking Peter - $50.00.â€Â



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