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Flying with kids - What age and pilot experience?

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G'day all


I'm in the process of training (6 odd hours so far and loving it) with the aim of doing pax, XC and maybe on to PPL. I have a couple of young kids (1 & 3 yrs) and hope to do some trips with them in the future but the leader of opposition business is an unwilling flyer so it may be way off.


The questions I have are what's a good time to introduce the kids to flying and at what age are they up to longer XC trips (2hrs +)?


Also, those of you that do cart family around and bearing in mind safety and experience, at what point did you feel you were prepared for the extra responsibility of having those dearest to you on board?







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Guest pelorus32

G'day Scott,


I think there are a number of issues here:


first you won't legally be able to carry them until you have your Pax endorsement and that will be a few hours away yet.


Secondly I wouldn't consider carrying a child - mine or others - until they were capable of self managing. I don't believe from my recollection that that happens much before the age of 5. You don't need an unmanageable child whilst you are trying to manage an aircraft.


Third Until they are big enough to fit securely into the seatbelt I wouldn't carry them. You don't want them submarining out from under the belt as they will tend to do - again probably up till the age of 5 or older.


Finally I know that loading my wife or one of my children aboard was a big mental step.


Others will undoubtedly have other views!







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I know of several families who fly with their young kids regularly, right from the age of birth. They use the same kids seats as they use in their cars.


I'd suggest having a non-flying person on board though to manage the kids!



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I have to say that Mike hit it on the head...


The last thing you need in the cockpit is an unmaneagable passenger.


You really one that can and will take instruction...


The next thing is that you need to be ready to take a passenger - defined as ballast who cannot help you when the flight goes not to plan.


You also need to be ready to take a kid as a passenger, with the obvious responsibility that goes with it.


When will that happen?


Well, the answer is a bit cryptic really. You will know it when the time is right for you. Until then learn as much as you can, and practice those landings.





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Hmmm, you are going to need a PPL and a GA craft to take more than one pax anyhow.


With that over and done with. my kids didn't get to fly until they were well and truely above 5yo. That was not by choice, I just didn't have the licence to take them. Kids just take it in their stride. It is the older ones who have had time to develop preconceived ideas of danger that have a hard time with departing mother earth.


Take the proper precautions like baby capsules and booster seats as they get older to ensure a basic fit with belts in front seat. lapbelts in the back fit as per normal. However, kids like to see outside too! Another addition is small earmuffs or use plugs to help with ear protection.


Your GA examiner follows a simple principle when he signs off on your licence. Would he trust you to safely fly his own family? On that point, do not get hung up on issues. If you have the certificate/licence you have been deemed safe to operate under those limitations/freeedoms so get out there and enjoy your privelage at every chance.


If you have a large fam like me, do not wait too long otherwise you cannot use the reg that allows you to take two kids in the one seat belt under a certain age, Before the age I could take all four of my kids up. Now they have grown and I am up for a six seater to do the same deed. NOTE, the reg only allows you one extra person than seats available. So, in 4 seater, no more than 5!


As mentioned before, do not get pressured into doing something you are not comfortable with. You will know when you are confident enough to take your family up.



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My children are 3, 5 and 6. They all love flying and pester me constantly to take me with them. The biggest problem I find is dealing with the arguments of who goes first. Most flights consists of two circuits each, then back to the hangar for a passenger exchange. I don't fly any longer than 30 minutes at a time so toilet stops don't become a problem. My wife isn't really interested in flying but does see the buzz that the children, (and dad) get out of flying. I use a childs booster seat which fits in my Jodel perfectly giving them an elevated view and keeps their feet away from the controls. Taking my children flying and seeing their joy is definately one of my flying experience highlights.



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Guest airsick
If you have a large fam like me, do not wait too long otherwise you cannot use the reg that allows you to take two kids in the one seat belt under a certain age, Before the age I could take all four of my kids up. Now they have grown and I am up for a six seater to do the same deed. NOTE, the reg only allows you one extra person than seats available. So, in 4 seater, no more than 5!

This only applies to GA. I seem to recall reading somewhere in the Ops Manual that it is strictly no more than two people in RAA registered aircraft. I don't have the relevant section of the Ops Manual handy so someone else might like to confirm this.



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This is true. In GA you can double up kids if they dont exceed a combined weight of 75Kg.




I have taken my 8 year old flying on a copuple of occasions. He was a little ho-hum about it so he doesnt go so much anymore. My 5 year old is too small in my opinion to be properly restrained.



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Hmmm, you are going to need a PPL and a GA craft to take more than one pax anyhow.

'bout sums it up!Lindsay, that is one of life's priceless moments. My kids were 5 and 6 (40kg wrining wet) and 10 and 11. My first trip as a full PPL pilot. Down to TYA from EN. The kids didn't know I was coming. Mum kept mum on what was about to happen. They thought they were just going out to the aerodrome to watch aeroplanes. I taxied up and the look on their faces...PRICELESS! Wish I had a camera.:thumb_up:


RAA should remain the way it is and allow only one pax. To go the route of more paxs means a guaranteed increase in regulation. Stay away from it guys.



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