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Guest Stickman

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Guest Stickman

Found this forum by accident, really, doing research on alternative aircraft engines. I'm a carpenter, by trade, though I'm not defined by that in itself, and have done many, many things throughout my life. I've been daydreaming, over the past 15 years or so, of building a P38 replica (.8 scale, most likely, give or take) and any time I'm online, I tend to end my time doing a little research on the subject. Anyway, I don't currently fly, though I spent quite a bit of time in the right seat of an O2. Had a pilot buddy who was attached to a rag command in California as an instructor and spent alot of his time spotting practice bombing runs from that type, and I learned to fly by simple osmosis....spent every minute I could spare with that silly bastard. So, I've always intended to buy or build an aircraft and get into the air regularly, but with 4 kids, college to worry about.....well, I'm sure many of you know how that story ends. Having said all that, I still can't afford to build or buy the ship I dream of, but maybe someday, if I ever can, I'll have all my research done. Meanwhile, if I can get out of the financial mess I'm currently in, maybe I can make do with something else for awhile. I think that's enough about me. Hell, that's more than I've said about myself in the last 20 years.



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Guest Macnoz

welcome stickman


If you are sucessful at getting out of the financial mess you are in it will be good practise for getting into aviation 'cause then I guarantee you a much bigger mess awaits



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Guest Bretto
If you are sucessful at getting out of the financial mess you are in it will be good practise for getting into aviation 'cause then I guarantee you a much bigger mess awaits

LMAO 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif

Yeah between costs of getting licence and buying an aircraft you'll be up around some mortgages i know of lol


All in good fun though, no other experience like it



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