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aircraft change

Guest Stkin0

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Guest Stkin0

About 3 weeks ago i decident the gazelle was not for me and i am now learning in a piper cheorkee 140. igot to admit being in the gazelle (slow aircraft) and then going to a cheorkee there is alot more to take in to consideration, one of those would be the weight diffrence and also the speed diffrence and not to metion the handling.


i think i would like to contiue in a higher preformance aircraft as i am looking for a career in aviation, but i might go around to my old flying school and take the gazelle up for flight as it is a great aircraft to fly



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If I had the money, the mrs permission and could afford thehourly runningcost ... I'd buy a Lancair Colombia. Had the opportunity to test fly a demo plane at Wings Over Wagga last year and fell in love smiley4.gif. Problem is, it can't be reg'd RA-Aus.





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Hi all.


If I had the money I would buy a home and just make my Little Diamond my own, i.e. new spray job, carpet in the cockpit, maybe a 582 or a new canopy


Semi retire and fly, fly, fly.’


Love to be able to fly all over NSW and preach to those who don’t have access to any Ministry for that I would need a two seater which would be a Tecnam. Don



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jetgirl

Hi, it is a matter of what you are used to. Obviously you started off in the Gazelle. Give the cherokee some time and you will love it too.





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