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The Long Road...to SOLO

Guest drizzt1978

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Guest drizzt1978

Have to share This!!


Well it finally happend last Tuesday morning, half way into my lesson my Instructor pulled on the brake after I landed and said "Im getting out, its too hot in here"......"I will be by the runway with a radio"


Wow, So quiet, no reminders, no one to chat to, Just me, talking out loud to myself to make sure I dont forget anything!!!....AMAZING feeling.


But it did take some time, around 28hrs or so, First I had trouble with cross wind landings, (and weather) then due to matters outside of my control, I had to have a different instructor, Who didnt like my landing style, so it took a good 4 hrs to unlearn and relearn his style.


For those more experienced you know that it is inavluable time spent with an instructor, to those who havent gotten to this stage, I will offer the following advice;


1) If you arent getting "it" take a lesson with some one else for the experience.


2) If you find that you are getting stressed after many hours of circuits, ask If you can just go for a fly some where, My instructor used the same technique on me that was used on him (many years ago) ;), he sent me off with another instructor for a "joy flight"


And guess what, my landing skill went up by about 30% in the next lesson!!! (de stress?)


All in all it has been a long road and bit sressfull haveing to change instructors, and constantly getting bad weather to fly in. But I just cant wait to get back there and go up again!!!!!!011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif011_clap.gif.8adfe837b4189ee6622bf4917d6a88c0.gif011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif


Perhaps the best day of my life!!!



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Guest drizzt1978
Well done, keep it up!Mind if I ask what the difference in opinion over your landing style was? Just curious to see what you had to change.

Well the first Instructor, had me come in with a steper approach, and basically pull the power off just before I touch down and then flare....this is apparently a very common GA approach to landing, and works well with Bigger Aircraft.


My new instructor liked me to maintain a more gentle approach that had me touch down with about 1400rpm and then just after the wheels touch down pull the power off. The second method seems to be very very gentle and not much chance of a bouce. You also have a bit more control over the JAB as you have that small amount of power available right up till touchdown. Also it was one stage of flap at base, then 2 stages at final, where as I used to just put flaps down after turning base. Doesnt sound much but enough to do youre head in when you think you have learnt enough to go Solo.


re Michael



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Well done drizz, had a similar problem on one lesson when my normal instructor, who teaches as you describe, was not available. Had the throttle pulled unexpectedly when just over the fence before flaring. Sure made for a handful & a rough landing. Couldn't wait to get out of the aircraft.



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Upsetting your approach.


I can understand that when you think that you have it all under control, some instructor upsets the applecart by pulling the throttle off or suchlike, you are not impressed. He/she is most likely trying to introduce an upset like what may happen unexpectedly due to wind gusts or a faltering engine or whatever, to see how you cope with it. See it as a challenge. If you feel like getting out of the aircraft, aren't you being a little precious? Nev...



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I always say to people find and instructor that you like and can enjoy being around. If you are not happy try another...


A lot of learning depends on how your relationship with the teacher is. Just like school or uni.


And well done. For those near solo remember it is no different from when u training. Except you have gotten rid on the annoying guy/gal in the right seat. Soon after Solo you will get PAX endorse then you get back the annoy in the pass seat!!!!!!




Geelong Sports Aviators.



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my first flight


Hey I remember my first solo..


I lined up and gave the call then gave the Jab 160 some power and took off nicely. The when I was around 300 agl I said " oh #&%@" now I have to land this thing by myself.. I reckon I did my best landing ever... Im sitting on around 47 hours total now and I always get a funny feeling when taking off solo.....





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