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2nd Lesson...

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Tuesday 3 Feb, 2nd lesson:


Pre-flighted the Drifter, refuelled; harnessed up and away we went to runway 04. Took off toward the Northern training area, climbing up to about 3500ft, where we did 30deg turns, and mucked around a bit, doing various things.


I was then told to track towards Jimbour (North-North-East) on a slight decent. I levelled off at 500ft just past Jimbour Township, and then turned and tracked to the West doing some low flying practice, looking out for good forced landing areas, did some low level turns and getting a general feel of different height levels.


I then had to do a practice forced landing approach over a paddock, gliding down without any engine power, which went well, so into the power and a climb out staying at the required 50knts for best climb to about 2200ft, levelled off for straight and level flight… after about 15mins of that I was then briefed about how a real engine failure will cause rapped lose of speed during a climb, so in for the practice, I set up at for a power on climb, which once established into the climb, Bob suddenly cut the power, to which I had to immediately lower the nose and maintain best glide speed, which in my case is 55knts. I then had to find a suitable landing spot, and head for it… once we had gotten down to 500ft, I brought the power back on for once again, a climb out to 2500ft.


I was then told to track along the creek line, tracking and keeping straight and level through all the turbulence. Which eventually brought us in sight of Dalby, located the airfield for an overflight to check the windsock direction, I then set up for downwind to 04 flying parallel to the runway, turned onto finals, and did an assisted landing, which was a great feeling to do, (mind you I probably didn’t do much, but it felt good anyway!!). I was then told to put on full power and take it off; pretty good feeling as well… did a circuit for another landing, but was a bit to high when turning onto finals. So, what the heck! Let’s go around again… we then had to wait for a crop duster to land on runway 31, after he landed, I set up on downwind again, turned on to finals, and our height was a lot better this time. It was a full stop landing, so I headed back to the hanger.


Debriefed, and then I was shown how to fill my logbook in properly; to which I can now say I have 2.30 hrs written in… Yippee!


Bob said I’m coming on very well, and I can hardly wait till next week to do more… (I’ve never known a week to go by so slowly…!)





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