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Nav 1 complete but not the way I wanted it to go.....

Guest Brett Campany

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Guest Brett Campany

The nav itself was excellent but I had to do it in the Jabiru 230. Half way down to Bunbury I got a call from the school telling me that the nose wheel fell off the Sportcruiser and being that I was already half way down I figured that it can still be done in the Jabiru 230.


The Nav brief the day before went well and the nav itself from YBUN to YKOJ to YMJM and back to YBUN was spot on, I put us over the field each time but hell, that Jabiru just isn't made for me.


It's an aircraft you either love or hate, for those who love it, you're lucky but for those who hate them, it's hard to find anything else like them really.


My back was killing me, my right knee was rubbing up the dash the whole time and I've still got a headache that I've had for the last 24 hours.


Also the 2.5 hour trip to Bunbury from home is really getting to me now. Might have to source another school which is something I didn't want to do but might just have to.


There's a bit more in my blog, just click the link below.



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Thats tough doing your first nav in an unfamiliar plane..


glad you hit the targets though:thumb_up:


When i made it back from my first solo nav the instructors said they couldnt believe i made it and didnt get lost.So much for support!



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Guest Brett Campany

I have to admit, it was a bit more of a challenge but very rewarding being able to nail my landings and not run off the runway this time!!



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Great to see you flew a real plane Brett! ;) I remember my second nav when I was hitting all the marks and thinking I was pretty good and then I perfectly navigated to the wrong town. 113_im_with_stupid.gif.c7998083611453eb404ccd147fef8c5f.gif Murgon and Wondai look pretty similar!


I remember my instructor asking me which town was on the nose as we were heading back from over the Proston area and the confidence in my answer "well that's Murgon right there" was very convincing until he asked me again about 1 minute later. Confidence dropping at this point, whizz wheel out, wac-map on lap consulted, look out over the nose, look at map, look ahead, look left, look right, look at instructor smiling...well would you look at that, they've moved Wondai to where Murgon should be. Instructor didn't believe me though.


It was a great lesson mucking it up and it made me really aware of not letting your guard down.


Have you got any schools closer to you Brett? That drive would be a killer.



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Guest bateo

I am with you on the Jabiru's Brett, they're not made for me either. Like you, I also did my nav's an a jabiru. I remember my navigation and approaches were all A1 but trying to land the thing was a problem for me.


I'll stick with the Tecnam's, Cessna's and Cherokees ha!



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Guest Brett Campany

Hey fella's, I've found another school that's only an hour away, not two and a half and I did a check flight today in their Fly Synthesis Texan and just fell in love with that aircraft!


I've got to call the new school on the 18th to book my next nav, I just hope the guys in Bunbury don't get that "trodden on toes" feeling because I still love flying their Sportcruiser.


I'll put a post up soon about my day today and add it to my blog!



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