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IF someone has a Brisbane VNC handy...


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I found when i did my nav endo that google earth gave pretty much the same calcs as i made from the charts, position to position. Even the angle/tracks were fairly spot on too.


I flew over maleny on a few navs and it is some beautiful country out that way! :thumb_up:



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Shags, you use the google earth application. Google maps won't allow you to measure point to point distances whereas google earth will. It will also give you a path distance also, which is good for checking way-point distances.


I use it as a double check for my manual flight plan as it also gives you an overview of the countryside etc. I also found that you can slew the view on gogle earth to the actual approach view of any airport in the circuit. It's a great reference for training etc.



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Thanks relfy. Found a way to do it on google maps though (not the best way but good for a really quick really rough estimate, ie. to win a bet ;) )


Up side to winning the bet is he wants me to fly him out there. Should be fun.



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Hey shags, yes, Maleny is within the 25Nm limit. I have an Aunt who lives up there who wants me to call her when I'm flying over so she can come out and wave. (yeah, I know, family!) Lake Baroon and Montville are pretty much at the limit though, so don't get too adventurous! Also, watch for sightseeing traffic (rotary and fixed) in the area between here and the Glass House Mountains, can get a bit crowded at times!


Just pick the right day to go as It can be a bit bumpy due to the local terrain and Maleny's height may not give you a lot of room to move if there is any significient cloud cover!


Apart from that, enjoy the free beer!!!


(Make sure it 8 hours before the flight!! He He!)



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