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Rotax increases TBO on 912/914 engines.

Guest Maj Millard

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Guest Maj Millard

Haven't read the lot yet, but it looks like the TBOs on some 912 engines have been increased to 2000hrs, and some others by an additional 300 hrs and 500hrs respectivly. Don't get too excited though, as it is not a simple blanket increase across the range, and does require on some that certain Service Bulletins, checks and/or mods be incorporated, for the increase to be applicable.


It is nice though, just before Xmas to possible be given an additional 500hrs engine time.


Applicable current service bulletins are: SB-912-041 R1, SB-914-027 R1,SB -912-057UL and others............................................................................................................024_cool.gif.7a88a3168ebd868f5549631161e2b369.gif









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2000hrs and or 15 years on 2006 and newer with crankcase change (check your Ser. no. for compliance) 912A, 912 UL( 80 hp) 912SA, 912ULS (100 HP) the other extension requirements for older engines can be very onerous...................a very long read and an even larger wallet!!!



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