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:welcome:Flying Biker - from one farmer, one pilot & by the sounds of it one biker, to another. You'll enjoy this site. Don't be afraid to join in. You can actually make friendships on this site without trying real hard. Then there's all the info to be gleaned.Cheers


So, do those of us who are scooter enabled count as 'bikers'? :)


(Welcome btw :))



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I'm with BRod - As long as its of the 2 wheel / engine powered variety that's cool - gee I think I'd even let you get away with one of those electric ones just so long as it has 2 WHEELS:laugh:.



I've always wondered why other road users don't seem to have moved beyond training wheels ;)



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Guest stan kleidon

Hi flyingbiker,welcolme aboard it is a great sight , i also like riding bikes and flying i even got a land yacht i built years ago, with a sailboad sail on it good fun with the kids up and down the runway when we get the right winds,you don't stop playing because you get old ,you get old if you stop playing. some of my neighbours think i'm a playboy, but who cares. Cheers Stan:wave:



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