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Hello from Echuca


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Hi there everyone.


Thought I might say G'Day. Been flying around Echuca for a little while now in a Cherokee. Did GFPT a couple of years ago but still to finalise my PPl. Mostly to do with time.... Got the hours, just need to finish it off.


Have flown quite a bit locally, as well as melbourne a couple of times, Albury, Renamark, Deniliquin, Ballarat and others.......


Cheers to all





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Guest Decca

Hiya Richo, welcome to the forums.


Let me know next time you're in/planning to come to Ballarat.


Regards, Decca.098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif



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Thanks Guys.


Decca - yeah, will let you know next time i'm coming thru. I went to school in BLt so dont mind making it a stop. Last time was interesting tho, terrible weather but managed to dodge it using a straight in on 18. Spent an hour or so having a cuppa at the club rooms till it was ok to go.


Mark - we're probably sure to catch up around echuca. maybe even over a coldie at the clubrooms....







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Guest studentbiggles
002_wave.gif.62d5c7a07e46b2ae47f4cd2e61a0c301.gif Richo and 098_welcome.gif.81ff07d492568199326e4f64f78d7bc6.gif aboard this great site of ours....YREN is spelt Renmark not Renamark...unles you have a accent???006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif...I'm a club member there as well as YLOX (Loxton)...Your always welcome to come back and enjoy our hospitality at either airstrip when your over this way next time:clap:....Fly Safe and Keep it in the Green...Cheers Studentbiggles (Alley)
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Thanks Alley. I actually called the Riverland home about 10 years ago. Lived in Waikerie, Berri then Loxton. Nice part of the world. Plenty of good flying weather up there (not that echuca's bad either!!).


When we flew to Renmark, the windsock was wound around the pole, and we coudnt find any definite features to tell us the wind direction (although i guess we could have just flown down to the river, that would have been telling i think) so we relied on the forcast wind direction to select runway. No one else was in the cct and we hadnt heard anyone on freq since we'd tuned in. Anyway, very late finals, rounded out and guess what. Yep, we floated halfway down the runway. Light wind was behind us. Long taxi back to the parking apron gave me plenty time to consider how i could have done that better..... Good experience I guess all the same. My instructor was in the a/c, i think he just let me have a quiet think about it.


See you up there some day.







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Hey Ros,


yeah, i bought my cherokee about a year ago. havent flown as much as i thought due to various reasons, but i love owning my own a/c. Autumn here is pefect flying, so i think i'll be busy for next few months. I live out of town, and theres an airstrip in the paddock next door!! cool. Buying an a/c neednt be expensive, especially if you just want to fly it rather than park it front row of a fly-in.... (you might of guessed, mines a bit average to look at).


Hey Mazda.


Thanks - i love echuca. Lived in a few places, but none like this. We've got great restaurants, wine, even a chocolate producer!! And great flying weather. And get this - you can get a cold beer at our aero club for $3. Thats great!!


Cheers to all





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Hi there everyone.Thought I might say G'Day. Been flying around Echuca for a little while now in a Cherokee. Did GFPT a couple of years ago but still to finalise my PPl. Mostly to do with time.... Got the hours, just need to finish it off.


Have flown quite a bit locally, as well as melbourne a couple of times, Albury, Renamark, Deniliquin, Ballarat and others.......


Cheers to all



Hi Richo

Have you been up flying this weekend


Weather superb


God bless


Regards Ros



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No Ros I didnt go up last weekend. Should have though..... Got the light a'c championships at the field this week, but will go up next week for a few local flights. You're right - weather is perfect. but at ECH we've got a month of this weather togo.


Do you come to echuca?







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