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Electronic Logbook - update

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Hi All,


It's not a software update (yet) but I have setup a website (not up just yet) and removed it from that temporary hosting site.


So if you want to use runway12 electronic logbook you can find it here:




I have decided to add a lot more features to it and rewrite so there will be a few changes over the next few months.


If you have any requests for aviation related software, pm me, post them here etc and I will see what I can do. It won't be done quickly but I will look at adding everything I can to it.


The software will always be free (so long as i'm able to afford to keep the webpage etc up) but may add a donate button at some point in the future to help buy some extra components.


Let me know if you have any problems, but also let me know if you like/don't like the program at all.


Thanks again,





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Thanks mate. I've been running it for a bit with no issues but as I wrote it I am unlikely to be able to break it.


I am definitely always looking for feedback. I will be expanding it to include extra fields and customisable column headings (so you can choose what you see). But any other wishlist items anyone is free to send in.


It's been downloaded over 70 times so someone has to have an opinion on it ;)



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Guest bushcaddy pilot

Hi Shags,


Mate well done, Just tried it last night and very easy to work, will look forward to the updates ie changing column headings . One thing that I havnt been able to do is actually save my progress. Ihave saved all the aircraft types and pilots dat but am unable once Ive shut the program and then reopened Ihave to start from scratch, even after clicking on te little disk icon to save?


Any ideas what this silly old guy is doing wrong?


Cheers and well done again(certainly beats my old excel spread sheet by a country mile)





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Hi bushcaddy,


Had a look at the code again, the only thing I can tink of (and i will adjust as soon as I can) is that the dates on the filter (right hand side) has to cover the dates in the logbook entries you want to save. Give that a try (just do one or two entries to make sure it works).


I will update to save regardless of the filter.


Thanks for the feedback.



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Hi Shags, having a problem running the application on my PC at home running Windows 7 x64:


System.InvalidOperationException: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.


I have the rest of the error I can email or PM you if required. If you are currently compiling the application for all CPU's then I believe the fix should be as simple as building for x86 only.



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Guest RaMpAgE

Hi Shags,


Have just had a play around with it and its nice, cheers.


A feature I would like to see in it sometime down the track maybe if it's not too much work would be a network version so I could access the data base and update entires from other pc's on my network/vpn.





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Guest bushcaddy pilot



Just had alook and changed the calander to a month before the first entry and then went through the aircraft, ext pop ups and once I clicked out of them all the previously entered data was there.


Thanks for you help





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Dave: Gald that worked for you.


Rampage: Will definitely do. Really the program just links directly to an access db that is in your documents (was really lazy here). The next update will allow you to select the location. Stick it on an avialable network drive and it shoudl be sweet.


Allanw: can you please send me the full error and I will have a look for you.


Thanks for all the feedback guys. Much appreciated.







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