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Everything posted by yurik

  1. I haven't flown since April 2012. I was an RAAA member. Before that I had been doing some hang gliding [(HG) about 120 hrs at the age of about 50 yo]; tried a powered harness for HG; then converted to powered hang gliding [ a Pegasus-2 came up at a good price]. Therein another ~120 hrs. Then a Parker Teenie-2 came to my attention. It appeared to be brand new with a few test flights; not yet registered. So I started to learn to fly 3-axis aircraft. That license was acquired at 65 yo. Taxiing a Jabiru was tricky: left foot forward - left turn! Opposite to trike or bike! Then final approach and touch-down timing/speed - very sensitive. All the appropriate info was in the head, but not - the fingertips!!! Positive constructive feedback would've helped from the instructor . [The constructive components were missing. Mainly: "do as I do" approach, which reminded me of my first parallel down-hill skiing lesson: "pretend to be a train doing a sharp turn"]. So, I changed my flight instructor, but kept to the same touchy training aircraft - Jabiru. Success! Got my license. Now to clock up self-training [twds proficiency] hrs. But the Teenie -2 was not yet registered! Although it hand-prop-started easily, T-2's electric generater/charger was not operational. It would have conked-out as soon as the motor-bike size battery went flat; no sparks for the 8 plugs of the 4-cyl VW 1760 cc engine. Wrong wiring; ... got fixed. All OK. Registration done. Now to fly!!
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