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Posts posted by sandman

  1. There e are 2 parts to this question 1. When I do a ignition check there were small variances in the drop in revs between the two ignition modules, now when I switch off the left ignition I get a drop of about 1000rpm on the tacho but not in the engine. 2. When increasing to WOT the tacho won't go past 4800rpm but the engine is doing more revs than that, I'm hoping it is not a faulty generator but maybe an earth trouble or ignition switch. The tacho appears to work fine at idle power correctly but not ignition checks or past 4800 rpm.



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  2. Hey Facthunter, It's just my experience with these motors and what I have been told, I guess everyone has there opinions and she's runnin like a well oiled machine. I knew a bloke who had a thruster and he use to fly IFR ( I Follow Roads ) because he didn't like the uncertainty that the 2 stroke may fail, I told him you may as well stay in bed, there is always a certain amount of risk we take and be comfortable with it and yes always a concern with any engine failing and always looking for landing areas and I always practice engine failures because I was always told it's not a matter if it fails it's when it fails and that's anything mechanical.



  3. I have just completed a cross country in my 582 drifter 9 hours in total and she didn't miss a beat, yeah she might use a little bit more fuel than jab but I personally felt safe. When I fly I usually track direct, some people get scared of flying over heavy timber country but I use altitude for a bit better glide if necessary. An experienced 582 operator on the Darling Downs told me you will never break these motors they just wear out (this of course includes our maintenance schedules hey people). I was looking at buying a jab so I can go faster and piss with the big boys but my wife said why would you bother when you have a perfectly good airplane and flies well. At the end of the day my 582 hasn't let me down and I do regular maintenance to it, people say 2 strokes aren't as reliable as 4 strokes but in my opinion I would disagree, I've heard operators say the compare good 2 strokes with a turbine engine, they just keep running.



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