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Everything posted by Tozza73

  1. Hello everyone, i just wanted to come on here one last time and thank everyone for participating in my survey. It really means a lot and I got plenty of responses and I might even post a link to my school report for it so that you guys can have a look. I also wanted to let you know that I have closed the survey for responses and I have placed a nice lovely thank you message there too so let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing the report and results and I'll post them here if you want.
  2. Thankyou, what made me pick this subject is that I really wasn't sure what aircraft people liked from regions around the world so i put out this simple little survey 😊
  3. Hey everyone, as part of my Year 11 I have to do a series of assignments and one of those assignments is to put out a survey and analyse the the results and I chose to do my survey on peoples favourite aircraft manufacturer (dream aircraft manufacturer) by the way it collects no personal information but the most personal thing I ask is either your gender or your birth year and maybe what continent you live on but apart from that nothing (it takes less than 5 minutes). Heres the link: https://forms.gle/HL7vNSU4Uzye2xXL8 thanks heaps it means a lot!
  4. Just a note to everyone else: that message I posted above initially is not apart of my report whatsoever but thanks for the advice and any other helpful things you guys are awesome and thanks for participating in the survey. means a lot! P.S i will actually get other people/digital services to check grammar and yes Im going to work on it anyway. i will also post my results/correlations I find.
  5. oh no im so sorry ill change it right now
  6. Hey everyone, i am in year 11 and i have to do a series of assignments and as part of those assignments for one of my subject i have to put out a survey and look at the results and i chose to do mine on peoples favourite aircraft manufacturing companies and all i will be doing is i will be identifying trends between different categories and it involves no personal information and heres the link: https://forms.gle/bHQXQqMJY5Zfpppq9 if you could answer this survey (it takes about 5 mins) it would be so good
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