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Posts posted by Gundy

  1. Gday 250 heres some autopilot servo installation photos. I hope this helps you out. My mate fixed my computer ya. Are you going to fly up to the Savannah Muster, I should be there as long as the birth of our 2nd child goes well.securedownload.jpeg.b9b767493e7cb6204ae0bdab5cdf1bfd.jpeg











  2. Hello 250 driver. Where do u live we might be able to fly and catch up. Could you pm me your email so I can send photos to you my computer is playing up at the moment only using iPhone on the net. I don't know how to import photos on this thread with the phone. Thanks Gundy



  3. It only takes a couple of days if you are polite on the phone. I usually ring up have a chat then email the documents away and asked for them to be emailed back. A couple of days normally. They are normally busy down there under staffed. Just be patient Mark it'll happen ( good things come to those who wait). My first two planes needed to be registered around Natfly now that's a bugger everyone's out having fun.



  4. Just remember Mark that the way your breathers are( coming from the top of the wing through to the bottom of wing) that any fuel vapor will hover along the bottom of the wing and enter the cabin that way whilst the plane is hangered. This was a problem with the early Savs( VG model) not as bad with the XL but it still finds its way into cabin. Everyone do your best to never spill fuel while refueling, it does take along time for the stink to leave the internal parts of the plane. Gundy



  5. That's fair enough. But there's no difference with bugs and rain going into breather as they are facing forward. I have herd and seen the way the factory does there breathers, they can and do turn in flight so you lose positive pressure to your tank. That's probably the biggest factor why I put the stand up breathers on. Gundy



  6. Linda is due with our 2nd bub around the 20th of Febuary. I'm thinking I would probably be allowed to come down around the 10/3/12 if that suits anyone. No one has put up a date yet. What's everyone reckon.



  7. Just got a email from Gympie aero Clubs secretary saying there's a fun day on at the airfield on Sunday the 8th January. So I guess I'm going to fly down and have a look. I hope to see a few of you there. Gundy



  8. I agree Tex buying a 3G but I'd get the Bluetooth gps module as well. The inbuilt gps is not very good it does loose reception. If you are relying on it as your only gps get the Bluetooth module. I carry a spare handheld gps as well as paper maps with my pencil lines on. I don't ever want to forget how to navigate the real way. Gundy



  9. I deliberated over which one to buy as well. I ended up deciding on the wifi only because of price. All the info I sourced all said if you wanted great gps reception you have to buy a external Bluetooth gps reciever. Even the 3G model it will drop out. I'm very happy with the wifi and Bluetooth gps it has not given any trouble at all. BUT if I was going to buy another iPad now I would buy a 3G one plus the gps reciever because there has been one time I left the gps reciever in the car before start up on my plane. So unbuckle get out retrieve get back in all checks again then fly off. This particular flight was not a gps needed flight through I had just bought the iPad so was keen to play with it. They are a fantastic tool but Remember to KEEP a Lookout while flying. Gundy



  10. Try a motorcycle shop is no luck send me a message with postal address and I can lend u a new one then send me on back when u get it. Gundy



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