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Everything posted by kth_logan

  1. May help... SARWATCH is a generic term covering SAR alerting based on either full-position procedures, scheduled reporting times, or SARTIME. Full-position procedures and scheduled reporting times are only applicable to IFR flights in all airspace classes and most monitored VFR flights operating in controlled airspace. SARTIME is a time nominated by a pilot for the initiation of a SAR action if a report has not been received from the pilot by the nominated Airservices Australia unit. A VFR pilot operating in Class G airspace may nominate a SARTIME to ATS but the progress of the flight is not monitored, though SAR action will be initiated if there is no communication from the pilot cancelling the SARTIME. Rather than nominating a SARTIME with ATS a flight note lodged with a responsible person, who will raise the alarm should the pilot not report in as scheduled, is preferred for VFR Class G operations.
  2. Apps for the phone. Another that you might like is ... i-HUD a mobile glass cockpit visualizer for the iPhone and iPod touch - iHUD app suite This is a Glass cockpit working application... But not to be relied upon.. I think this would be good on my motorbike also...
  3. Solo stuff. Progress so far... Friday was solo circuits. Still a great feeling to be flying by myself and making decisions and adjustments. They seem to come second nature now. The time spent in the circuits with the Instructer is paying off.:thumb_up: Should complete SOLO circuits this week and then it is out to the training area..will be good to get away from circuits for a while.
  4. Your Trip It looks like the trip was fun.. That is something I would like to do soon when I get the PPL... but also fly up to Alkimos or 2 Rocks and then back down the coast.. It gives a whole new perspective of the country and locations we live in. Well done...:thumb_up:
  5. Completed my first SOLO yesterday in the blistering heat of Perth. It was an awesome acheivement and gave me such a buzz...I am surprised how many of my friends are quite jealous of the acheivement. Still reliving the feeling of checking out of the right hand window and not having to look around the instructor. The plane climbs better without the extra weight. Eagerly waiting for the next lesson now and looking forward to navigations in the future, will be good to go somewhere different. Regards Keith
  6. Mike, Yes it was a very hot day for the solo. Being instructed by Damien at Minovation.. Still smiling today and can't wait to fly again..it is a bug. Regards Keith
  7. Hey guys... I have wanted to learn to fly since I was a teenager..BUT finances stopped me.. Started lessons at the age of 54 and loving it, had my first SOLO today and looking forward to all the future challenges. I do not think I am Old or considered too old to fly...It has been one of my ambitions and I am now doing it.. I feel great about my acheivements.. We are stil young at heart Regards Keith
  8. Tony, First SOLO today....well on the way to my targets.. Hope you have have selected the right flying school...recently I have met people who have changed schools for some reason or other...spend the time looking around the schools it will be worth the effort. Regards Keith
  9. All has gone well...Have sorted out all my problems... First Solo today.. was awesome.. The feeling is like driving your car by yourself for the first time as a teenager but with alot more excitement and responsibility.. Have not felt like that for some time. Had a great day today Keith..
  10. Keep at it. Tony, I to have had aspirations for a very long time, since my teenage years to fly..God knows how many TIF's I have taken in UK and now Australia. I to was in the same boat as you, finances and family commitments held me back for some time. I have bit the bullet and in October 2009 started lessons, well into my training now, enjoying every minute of it and hope to have my PPL by the time I turn 55..(actually I have set a target date of end of March 2010). On track to acheive that. Keep at it mate and spend some time tramping around the flying schools asking as many questions as possible before you make your choice with whom to train with. Regards Keith
  11. Still trying Yes flying with Minovation...I seem to have a real problem perfecting the landings...suppose that it is important !!!!.. Must master this phase, but frustration is starting. Thanks to you all for the welcome to this forum. :)
  12. Hi all, Currently a student pilot at Jandakot. Have not been a student at anything for quite some time. I am in the older age bracket...middle aged if I was going to be well over 100!!! Loving every minute of the training, just need to get the landings tidied up and sorted...very nearly there but not quite. Then Solo circuits etc...Perhaps in the new year. Need to get over Christmas now..
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