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Gnarly Gnu

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Posts posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. As to the highest and fastest aircraft ever, not true. Australia has one that far surpasses it and is sooo secret, even I don't know about it

    Haha what you been drinking today Doug?


    I worked on 11 Sqdn Lightnings....... Don't recall Large flat pans full of kitty litter.

    Come now don't spoil the story.... can't you add a yarn?



  2. Yes, by virtue of the inverse square law double the distance and have a 4 x noise reduction. (Except from a busy highway where the line source nature of the sound propagation can mean it will be more likely to cover a distance with a higher dB level).

    If I can comment on that Frank inverse square reduction from a point source is 6dB per doubling of distance and 3dB from a line source in ideal free-field conditions. This is the SPL propagation loss, in terms of perceived loudness approx 10dB represents a halving so yes it's a considerable reduction in loudness but not four times...


    One could have a degree of respect for the Greens if they actually never used things like petrol, coal-fired electricity or flew in aircraft. Or made noise.



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  3. And the poor minnows doing customer service get no say in this

    Nonsense, every last one of the 'poor minnows' are well overpaid and no longer have any concept that they are supposed to be employed as our servants.


    I guess making the rules, enforcing the rules and getting pay higher wages and with better conditions will do that... the whole show needs a role reversal. Start by locking their wages at private sector average less 10% and then lock CASA staff numbers to aviation industry employment numbers. No reason it should not remain proportional or be decreasing as technology continually improves their productivity. That's how the real world works.



    • Like 1
  4. During a recent flight by Tier 1 Engineering in Costa Mesa, California,


    [/url]a full-size fully electric helicopter


    flew successfully through hover, takeoff, cruise, and landing. The battery-powered helicopter reached an altitude of 400 feet above the ground and a maximum speed of 92 mph during the short but historic five-minute flight.




    Nice, but was hoping it might be quieter, seems copters are all prop noise. Also 500kg of batteries is a drag... instead a really long extension cord?









    • Haha 1
  5. I hope Bex will buy the operation and get it chugging along again to make the Bexmotor.


    Sad time for Ian, his family, employees and of course any creditors. I think this engine had all the hallmarks of being the best currently out there. Ian is indisputably very knowledgeable in this field, it's a serious loss to the whole industry.


    Meanwhile not a single person at CASA has lost even a dollar of their generous pay.



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  6. ...one of the new engines had been on a test bed run at full revs for 3 days non stop ( except for refuels and stops to do the required maintenance due to the hours clocking up)

    Pausing for maintenance due to the hours clocked up in three days?


    Also the flight testing should tell them they need to design better seats. The base is not so comfortable.



  7. "


    [/url]NASA is developing a stiletto-like plane wing


    that's so long and thin that it needs a truss to hold it up. The longer, thinner, and lighter truss-braced wing, as it is called, is aimed at making future commercial transport aircraft more efficient and less polluting."











    A broader flat-bottomed lifting fuselage might help too... well let's hope it uses a lot less fuel because it has a lot less available storage space for said fuel.




    Hey who'da thought, they've sort of reinvented the Jabiru.







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  8. .....This is not a cause of back pain - In terms of common back pains, it has nothing to do with it.

    You are right, it was badly worded. Poor circulation does not in itself create the pain; according to the experts over time it can lead to degeneration which in turn gives the pain.


    Most can be ameliorated by exercise


    This is good advice. Too often one hears the opposite (don't bend, lift nothing etc)



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