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Everything posted by Airscrew

  1. Thanks for the story ,dazza i'll keep an ear alert when i'm around toddlers. airscrew.
  2. Airscrew , thanks again for the welcome to the flyers since my last posting. Can someone tell me how to get rid of that nerd face that is now up against my pseudonym, thanks.
  3. Didn;t realize that face represented a nerd. Sorry about that. More care, more ca.............
  4. Thanks for the welcome fella;s I will certainly be following through on the advise. All the information I can gather from pilots of experience on various LSA;S is just what i;m looking for on sites like Rec Flying.:big_grin:
  5. hi folks, Just landed yesterday,i am new to computers and finding my way around these sites. Learning quickly,love the savannah also the jabiru j230 trying all sorts of plots and plans to get my hands on one or the other. My friends just humor me saying i am past it but desire and health are strong. My flying experience involved stalls, spin recovery, circuits and landings, and all the other stuff in a piper cub nosewheel,when plane flying took a back seat. Building contracting and later drill rigs became a passion . So there you have it ,youth has flown , so what. Airscrew:big_grin:
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