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Aircraft Comments posted by djpacro

  1. During the pandemic I participated in a global roll rate challenge where we discovered the lies told about aircraft roll rates. Videos of multiple rolls were independently analysed for the steady, maximum roll rate at Va. Often multiple examples of the same type flown by different people. Cessna 152 about 60 deg/sec. Super Decathlon is around 100 deg/sec. Pitts S-2B at 140 deg/sec compared to a figure of 240 deg/sec quoted in a magazine (by myself). Pitts S-2C at 210. The Yak 55 at 110 deg/sec rolls faster than a Yak 52 - nice to roll but whoever claimed "...rolls (to the right) at well more than 180 degrees/second (measured up to 352 degrees/second to the right) ...." is a far worse liar than I was.


    "It has been used in international aerobatic competition up to the Advanced level .... is capable of every manoeuvre in the Aresti catalog." Advanced category (and others) has changed dramatically over the years. These days it is extremely hard work to get it through an Intermediate sequence - it is nearly as good as a Pitts S-2A.


    I nearly bought one but went for a Decathlon instead.

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  2. Yep, good roll rate. 164 deg/sec actually achieved by one pilot here. A little while back a number of aerobatic pilots submitted videos of multiple rolls from which the time from inverted to inverted was measured and the maximum steady roll rate determined. All did it with full aileron at Maneuver Speed. By comparison the Super Decathlon is 90 deg/sec.



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