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flying dog

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Posts posted by flying dog



    But I have a question:

    (Well more than one sorry)

    (Oh, I don't know....  but here goes)


    Where was the plane going - originally?


    If it was Bankstown:   I don't understand why he was so low.

    Ok, oops.   He was flying to YSBK and before he reached the point where the glide slope WOULD get them to the field safely, the engine failed - Yes?


    The gear....   I thought the news said (And shame on me for believing them) the gear also didn't extend.

    But I guess in retrospect:  The pilot kept them tucked up and the plane clean to maintain best glide.




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  2. I live in Ashfield - W/NW of YSSY.


    About 07:15 a C-130 (Didn't really see it but high wing 4 prop job) skirts over my place.


    Looked and it was inbound from Richmond.


    Probably for the parades happening today.


    But gee was he low!


    I heard a plane - yeah, normal for where I am - but this was a prop one and it wasn't usual.


    I caught but a glimpse of it east bound.


    Normally planes are at 1000 I would guess when passing over here on take off.


    Landings aren't done here.


    Anyway...   Bit of "excitement" for the day.

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  3. (Sorry folks, but I am getting notifications every time someone posts here.)


    No big deal, but I was wanting to know how I *opt out* of the messages?


    Sorry if dumb question.

    But other forums if you are "subscribed" to a thread, there is an "opt out" option shown.

    I am not seeing that here.

  4. Yeah, ok, I'm biting at the burley they are throwing out, but it seems so wrong.


    Female pilots, ground crews, etc.


    Then Virgin (Aus) is mentioned.

    Pilot Deborah Lawrie.....   (Sorry if not spelt correctly.)


    "25 years after a landmark discrimination case to allow her to become Australia's first female commercial pilot"


    Errr.....   Does the name Nancy Bird Walton mean anything here?





  5. I've seen a chicken in a thermal....


    Oh, wait, sorry:  It was an oven!


    And it was turning CCW.   😉


    Sorry, now off topic:

    This is how birds go  BOOM!




    WRT "the old ways" I once found/saw a thing on youtube about old analogue computers and gun sights.


    On a battle ship firing a gun.


    How they calculate angle from wind speed, ship's speed, direction and all that stuff.


    All done with MECHANICAL gears.


    'twas amazing.

    Sorry I can't give a link.


    Ok, maybe this one.


    After a bit more digging, I think this was the one I saw:



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