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Posts posted by dsam

  1. Let's not forget, VFR pilot Area Frequency reports are advisable (incl. RA-Aus) when crossing the Bass Strait doing "skeds" at specific intervals.


    As well, I do brief Area Frequency reports when using the VFR coastal & inland routes by Melbourne, again a recommended procedure. I've even had ATC advise me of oncoming radar paints through the Kilmore gap VFR track.... thanks guys!


    As for Area Frequency position reports elsewhere, I think that's excessive.


    However, I've certainly spoken up when I hear ATC reporting my radar "paint" as a potential conflict to IFR traffic. It gives peace of mind to ATC & the IFR pilot that I'm listening & watching, and advising of my track & intentions.


    I'm also a fan of ADS-Pi boxes supplying traffic info into my iPad (along with OzRunways traffic, (but sadly not AvPlan too)).



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  2. Hi Dave and allHow would it work if interested people placed a lable of thier site name at the outside latch of the left side window or doore / canopy of thier aircraft. That would be a start at linking up at flyins. And maybe place your mobile contact on the seat. My next flyins are Lakeside at Easter Sat/Sun and Old Station end of May. Cheers Mike

    Hi Mike,


    That would be a good start for those nearby the flight-line, but for wandering around Avalon (for example) a Recreational Flying cap or nametag, or lanyard, would allow instant recognition in a crowd (around an exhibit, BBQ, coffee queue, etc).


    I'm off to Avalon tomorrow (Thursday) by the way.... by road.... no RA-Aus CTA yet!068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif



  3. We at AvPlan EFB don't need money - we're more than happy to share. All I get is crickets in response...

    Speaking of crickets Bevan, is there any interest from Airservices (or whoever) sharing ADSB "paints" from their servers to airborne AvPlan users?


    That would save aviators from building ADS-Pi boxes to integrate the traffic awareness data on our iPads.



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  4. Nothing like having a choice, the proof is in the pudding, it is either Ford or Holden

    Kununurra, don't get me wrong... I feel we as aviators, can only win from the close software competition we enjoy here in Australia. The two software developers keep each-other "on their toes", and we happily benefit from this competition.

    I've done an extensive outback excursion with a friend & fellow pilot who is an AvPlan doyen and beta tester. It became a friendly competition in our cockpit to see who could come up with situational awareness data quicker, and I'm happy to say most times it was a dead-heat. Both apps are magnificent IMHO.


    There's just a few price & convenience considerations that come in to the equation for my particular situation - and for me it is fun to compare new features between them.





  5. I think its time you came across to the Dark Side. :-)

    Haha, you might be right Bevan... just moderate 2 dis-incentives:

    - my time invested learning one interface, then learning a completely different user interface to the same high degree


    - price ($169 for my premium OzRunways subscription + $29 Hybrid VFR Dynon map / vs.....? AvPlan $219 + Dynon +?)


    Perhaps an introductory offer to those who abandon OzRunways for the dark side? 057_wish.gif.d43fe9c46076c82c3a0ead22e91678fc.gif



  6. Hi there, I am using these exact same jerry cans, but I've found that mine are not seal. They leak when laid on their sides, or when weight is pressing on them. Very annoying. Is it the same with yours and have I just gotten a bad batch?

    Mine do not seem to leak liquid fuel. They are only full for a few minutes on my way to the airfield, so I haven't put them to any real stress when full. In my aircraft, they are always empty and folded. I do notice them to have a slight fuel smell immediately after use, when folded up in the cargo area, so perhaps the seal isn't perfect (allowing some vapours to escape). My cockpit is very well ventilated, and so any slight fumes aren't noticeable once I've started.

    Perhaps you got a bad set... I'm assuming you probably haven't cross-threaded the cap or flexible hose/nozzle.... I can't remember what the gasket looks like on the underside of the cap in mine, but that is where I would inspect it for problems.



  7. Thanks all for the advice. It is well received.Do you need to filter the avgas when filling at an airport? Or are you only filtering Mogas into/out of your jerry cans?

    In my case, I don't filter the Avgas from a bowser as there are supposed to be standards adhered to on storage. Petrol stations are more of an unknown quantity so that's why I filter Mogas.

    Avgas from drum storage can be more subject to problems, so perhaps it would be wise to filter Avgas stored in this way.



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  8. Here is a network 10 clip where Ben Morgan (AOPA) is given a chance to put his views to the broadcast media, and handles the issue very well, although I feel he possibly should have mentioned CASA by name, as a body with some responsibility for speaking up in the support of safety over inappropriate property development.



    RA-Aus.... where are you.....? SAAA....? Time to be supportive!



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  9. As it should be, however, in the wake of this incident the public relations activity has been driven by the developers; just about total silence from the aviation community.

    I did hear a spokesperson from AOPA speak on ABC Melbourne radio yesterday afternoon, but much more coverage to our perspective on property development should take place.

    RA-Aus, where are you.... or are you unwilling to comment on a class C aerodrome?bad_mood.gif.04f799b8c2da677a1c244b54433f2aa7.gif


    Take note... aerodrome encroachment takes place all around Australia - join the campaign to support aviation safety ahead of unwanted development!



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  10. If I fly up for the day on Saturday, is Swan Hill the nearest strip? Is there any way of getting to Lake Boga from there?

    My plan is to tie down at YSWH on Friday. I rang up and spoke to a very helpful chap from the local flying club, and arranged a tie-down spot for me (one of many, I would think). For a small fee, I even think there is a bit of temporary hangar space for itinerant aviators, if you ask them.

    The fellow at the Murray River Motel (where I'm staying) will fetch me from the aerodrome. I'm sure he can also help me sort out the short trip to the Lake Boga museum area on Saturday. I'm not sure whether the organisers have planned for a town shuttle....? Any Swan Hill aviators able to advise?



  11. Does anybody know whether Airservices have used Dick's donation to deliver weather-cams at the Kilmore Gap and Mt. Victoria? If so, can anybody provide a link? These should be made available to OzRunways & Avplan, too. Note this news excerpt below from December:


    "Dick Smith has today made out a cheque for $160,000 to AirServices Australia in the hope, he says that they will copy a Nav Canada system and provide weather cams at their existing ground installations around Australia.


    Installation of the cameras could be at known ‘risk’ locations such as Mt Victoria and Kilmore Gap."



  12. Skippydiesel, I note your concerns on filtering into the aircraft, rather than the foldable fuel bladders, and your reasoning is worthy of support, particularly for a low wing aircraft.


    I have made a deliberate choice to do it my way for a few reasons. Firstly, my aircraft is a high wing, and managing a small stool, funnel, and flexible fuel bladder is a high-wire act fraught with incident (big spills onto plexiglas, inability to see when tank nears full, longer time pouring fuel, stumbles & fumbles at a windy, rainy, dusty, exposed outback aerodrome). Much easier and safer to funnel into a bladder at my feet, under shelter in a petrol station IMHO.


    Are you saying you filter both into your fuel bladder, AND the aircraft? If so, have you considered the high volatility of Premium mogas? In a sealed container, the esters stay in solution, but slow pouring through a funnel (twice) would see a portion of these evaporate, lowering its effective RON. When I'm at home, I deliberately chose a petrol station with high turnover, on the assumption that their premium fuel is as fresh as I can get it, for the same RON reason.


    My fuel bladders are new, and only ever used for my flying activities, so I have confidence in their integrity (I'm happy to hear otherwise). Being collapsible, and remaining sealed and flat, there is very little air within them for moisture to develop, I would think. Of course I always pre-flight including a bottom tank drain/inspection for water.


    I do my annual maintenance with a LAME, and over the last 5 years, I can report that my fuel filter shows no adverse effects from my refuelling protocol. Long may that continue...080_plane.gif.36548049f8f1bc4c332462aa4f981ffb.gif





  13. Ben, My Eurofox has a 912 ULS. For my local flights I use fresh Shell 98 Mogas. For cross country trips, convenience & availability usually dictates 100LL Avgas, particularly for interim refuelling stops.


    For overnight stays, I consider using my two 20 litre fold-up rubber jerry "cans" and toting them back next morning with fresh premium unleaded if I can source it wherever I've overnighted.


    20 Litre Collapsible Jerry Can - Liquid Containment Bladders & Liners – Fuel, Water, Petrol, Diesel, Water Storage


    I fill these rubber bladders through a special filter funnel (Mr. Funnel) that separates out any water (and other particulates) that may be in the outback mogas source: (Buy Online)


    As planesmaker mentioned, keep track of each fuel type you consume. If you find that your percentage of Avgas vs mogas used is > 50%, change your oil twice as frequently. My understanding is that the lead in Avgas can accumulate in the reduction gear & clutch areas of the Rotax, and cause problems.


    I'm not an expert, so others on this forum can probably speak with more authority and experience, but this practice has served me well so far. Rotax documentation should be your primary source of info for this matter concerning Avgas & oil change frequency.


    I am a fan of phoning ahead to aerodrome operators confirming fuel availability, and carnet card types required. Pumps often are out of order.


    When planning an overnight stop, I usually ask the motel operators whether Premium unleaded is available in town, too.



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  14. Yes Doug, this is where we need the regulator to poke and prod a bit ....... for a REAL safety outcome.

    Perhaps the regulator needs to front-up with cash to help convince both AvPlan & OzRunways to share data. CASA could also facilitate inclusion of ADSB transponder paints from Airservices servers too. If they did all that, I might be persuaded that CASA honestly cared about safety!



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  15. It took me 20+ minutes to fill in the Senate sheet voting below the line. You need all the assistance you can get with that ponderous document.. Most took the easy way out and got what the lottery gave them. Some got in with a very low direct vote tally. Nev

    My technique was to print off the senate sheet from the AEC website, review/research the candidates, number my print-out, and use it as a template to copy across in the voting booth later. It saved time in the voting booth. Yes, I care about democracy enough to do that.

    Growing up in Canada, we didn't have compulsory voting, and it annoyed me when people complained about their parliamentarians, but hadn't cast a vote.


    I'm much happier with Australia's compulsory voting. Now that Australia's senate voting legislation has changed, a short-cut has been allowed in which multiple numbers above the line are allowed. I will probably still vote below the line (yes... I'm that obsessive...).


    At least I've earned the right to grumble about what the parliamentarians have done with my vote.good_vs_evil.gif.3bae94f4ff210f03cc4bea87587f9a84.gif



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