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Everything posted by acro

  1. for example meningococcal A has always been present and harmless, immigration has brought a new strain C that kills people, especially kids and we have no natural defense
  2. mass immigration, importing disease strains that we have no defense to
  3. its always the closet communists that want everything controlled, live and let live
  4. i think you people are under the illusion that the government got all the firearms in 1996? see most people dont go and kill others with firearms, the government does that (through army, police etc), most pre 96 firearms are still out there, then add imports (they check 1/100 containers), firearms made here etc. for example norinco imported 600,000 sks (chinese ak-47) in the early 90's and only about 80,000 were handed back in, these sold for $150 in a wooden crate with ammo, another example is in nz no guns are registered and you can buy anything from an ak-47 to an uzi, and where are the mass shootings? they dont exist
  5. really? the media states there are more guns now than before the Port Arthur thing and you think they have the right to take them? there are more guns now, but being uninformed you fail to realise they are not centrefire self loading but mainly bolt action c/f and bolt/pump action rimfire, but the government being full of knobs like you banned pump action shot guns yet allowed pump action rifles which have a much greater range and stopping power....
  6. port arthur "massacre" NO dna NO ballistics evidence NO id until bryant was shown in the paper NO coronial inquest (illegal under Australian law) shot witnesses who knew bryant who were shot point blank said it wasnt him previous cafe owner who knew bryant said it wasnt him code brown hospital training on at the exact same time with all the countries best doctors in tasmania .223 AR15 & .308 SLR supposedly used yet doctors were pulling pellets from victims? (see news reports) tas govt buys PAHS months before shooting tas govt buys an F250 morgue truck, 22 bedder, the highest capacity in the country for the smallest state and offers it for sale soon after massacre ALL "evidence" sealed for 50 years bryant with "retard iq" shoots 25 in 29 seconds? bryant left handed, shooter was right handed only cops called away on fake drug bust that turned out to be soap before shooting and were stuck over a bridge and couldnt get back it goes on and on and on, and they took our guns for it, thats a nanny/police/commy state....last post i promise, feel free to continue talking crap
  7. Turboplanner you are very wrong, most laws both state and federal passed outside of the crimes act are strict liability offences where means rea is not an element that must be established to prosecute, im done, too many stupids here
  8. i think i can safely say that half the people posting in this thread are users of "twitter" i fear for this country, the arrogance and stupidity is amazing. im not going to post in this thread again so feel free to talk all the shit you want
  9. yes, Sydney is where the English used to send the poor Irish for 7 year of hard labour after knocking off a loaf of bread to feed their starving family, are you saying it would be run better by isis?
  10. tornado, it must be nice in Toowoomba, why not have a weeks holiday in Lakemba or any part of Sydney and then you can have a real laugh
  11. tbh im not trying to "troll" i only replied because the comments i saw in this thread disgust me, people these days are so gutless, weak and plain mean to their fellow brothers. this guy shouldnt have had any penalty, he flew stupidly and crashed, thats enough lesson learned, but anyone who supports a law for everything and this overbearing nanny/welfare/commy state we have turned into is an absolute fool who deserves the consequences of it.
  12. ah so if im not a sheeple i must be a troll right? who is this great majority that wants them out? was it the left wing media or the government thats talking for this great majority? do these trendy tossers in Melbourne like to eat? because thats where it comes from.
  13. maybe they should fight instead of having their rights constantly trampled on then
  14. that can only happen when the weak and gutless allow it. honestly there are some stupid people here
  15. look at this guy here http://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/driver-who-killed-pedestrian-spared-jail/story-e6frfku9-1227267929710 why was he even charged? driving a car is risky, shit happens and people die, does he deserve to be charged and go to jail? wtf is wrong with this country
  16. there will be dickheads everywhere no matter what laws you have, you are well indoctrinated though
  17. it is because most prisons are private, they get $xx per person, have a read http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-judge-receives-28year-jail-term-for-his-role-in--kidsforcash-kickbacks-8598147.html
  18. thats my point, every freedom we had has been legislated away for our "safety", all because for everything that can be done there are 100 nanny whingers against it. for example a boxer died recently after a fight in QLD, so nanny state sooks are now saying we should ban boxing, so what people die every day, one fact is that every single one of you is going to die one day and there is nothing you can do about it, so instead of sooking about things and restricting yourself and others for "safety", enjoy your one and only life. if some bloke wants to fly low and crash its his right to do so, if someone wants to take an axe and go on a killing spree its not his right to do so in everything there is inherent danger, but as long as there is no intention to hurt another in the act then just mind your own business, have fun and get on with life
  19. im fine with that, live and let live, nobody has the right to restrict, punish or stand over others (that are hurting nobody), government or not, there is a possibility of being hurt in anything you do or dont do, thats life!
  20. ah so you decide what others human rights are? millions have died in wars so men could be free, we battled communism in the cold war because it is not something we want to be involved in, yet now it seems many are indoctrinated with this crazy left wing communist/socialist attitude of rules and regulations and a full on nanny state where you cant do anything and nothing is free. As they say Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety, that means you give up your rights to the government and they give a little back as a privilege and those who support them do this to themselves and deserve nothing. you get what you deserve, better hope you dont get a sentence one day for breaking a nanny state rule.
  21. flying is a privilege? no. its a human right. only someone with Stockholm syndrome would call it a privilege.
  22. really? how many times do we need to hear this "public safety" bullshit? its like the gun licensing system in this country, you must follow all of these overbearing bs rules that have nothing to do with safety, so the government can tell everyone they are keeping them safe, what about the 10,000 isis supporters the government imports into sydney and melbourne every week? can we legislate ourselves into safety? jabirus suck and i would never fly with one, i was smart enough to work that one out without the government telling me so
  23. and why cant he fly low? if he wants to fly low thats his choice, if he wants to fly high thats his choice, its this nanny state attitude thats wrong, he doesnt have a "valid reason?" why should he need a "valid reason?" having fun is a valid reason, its his life, it isnt owned by the communists that crave control. as for casa read this http://vocasupport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Wilga-Tail-Tale.pdf thats just the tip of the iceberg
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