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Everything posted by graeme

  1. Hi Eric, My time at Berwick was with the VFMG learning to fly gliders, from about 1960 - 64 until they moved to Bacchus Marsh, as I lived over 50 miles to the east this curtailed my flying considerably. As luck would have it there was some interest being shown in the Leongatha/Korumburra area which resulted in us being able to form the South Gippsland Gliding Club which is now located at Leongatha airfield. I soloed there in 1962 and logged aprox 30 hrs of mainly 4 minute flights! My first solo was toward the south, the winch would have been located or near where the freeway is now, I even managed to help the Gov push his 180 out of the hangar a couple of times which seems and was a long time ago. Regards Graeme Henry
  2. NO. Training courses etc can be held at various regional centres that have the facilities as is done by the GFA, this system has worked very successfully for many years. Graeme
  3. Hi Geoff, I also now live in Drouin and thought this area was not very well served with airfields, I am heartened to here of this development, I know of this airstrip from years gone by, however I thought that it had been fenced and generally messed up for use as an airfield which is what very often happens. I have been an aviation nut all of my life and have been Gliding for longer than I care to remember, and of course interested in any form of aviating, have been a member of this forum for a long time without posting anything of note, this chance finding may be just what I need to get going. It would be great if we could arrange to meet some time, I am sure that we would have a lot to talk about, I find this form of communicating hard going. Regards Graeme
  4. Being a glider pilot from way back, it is common to hear bits of rubbish hitting the glider that have been drawn up by avery strong thermal, you power jocks would not hear this because of all the noise up front. Graeme
  5. Hi All, Well I have been the circuit a few times checking out the landing area (not sure how to drive this thing yet) I have been a Glider Guider for more years than I care to admit to, but have always been interested in this side of aviation and expanding my horizions. My next move is to head off to Natfly for the first time tomorrow (by Road!!) and to meeting you all there. Regards Graeme
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