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Bruce Tuncks

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Posts posted by Bruce Tuncks

  1. A similar thing has happened with gliders, and I blame the CONSUMERS. When I was young and silly, Harry Schnieder used to import 15m gliders by the container-load.

    They would sell for maybe $15,000

    Now it is one or 2 a year, self-launching super-ships, at about $300,000 .

    What changed? the tastes of the buyers!

    No longer is it acceptable to"land out" as it used to be.

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  2. Yep, the old SK has been sold and I now have a newer 230 in the hangar here at Edenhope. However the old SK has not been collected yet and it is still in the hangar, minus it's wings to take up less room.

    Right now, I am busy fixing things on the old sk anyway. Just yesterday, I noticed that the nose-wheel was flat...  I dunno how this happened with it just sitting in the hangar!  So now I have ordered a new tube.

    The other jobs are re-instating the tail-fin, following an enlarging experiment, and fixing the cht/egt setup that just stopped working too...

    The new owner of 19-3497 is Rowan Hill, and he lives in Qld. I hope he comes down and flies the pants off the old Jabiru, before taking it back home to Qld.


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  3. About 20 years ago, I was asking a bunch of truck-drivers at Kulgera just when they thought the road to Uluru would open. ( flooding was around).

    I remarked that they didn't look like truck drivers to me, there was not a blue singlet with overhanging belly in sight.

    They said that " all those guys failed their medical".

    So I am surprised at the story about the morbidly obese guy, but it does align with the truck driver who killed my mate and his wife recently.

    The trucky was on the wrong side of the road and on his phone when he killed those in the little white Alpha going the other way.

    I reckon he would have failed any reasonable check-test on account of being too stupid to drive such a lethal machine, and so I ask again that such drivers be kept off the road.

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  4. IF you are comparing a Jabiru with a carbon non-strut wing then of course the carbon wing will be faster, but it will also cost about twice as much. And as has been correctly pointed out, be far less repairable.

    Jabiru went for the cheapest options and so they sold a lot. Personally, I reckon we were lucky to have an Australian manufacturer.

    I bet Rotax are rubbing their hands together and working out how much they can hike their price when they get closer to a monopoly.

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  5. 2 things...  firstly , is an old life worth less than a young one? I reckon it sure is worth less, but since we have the same old brain, we don't think this. ( I always thought that active 70 y/olds should get jobs as hit-men, on account of how they can't be punished so much. Alas, I changed my mind when I got to be 70...

    Secondly, if there have been a lot of people on a ute without seatbelts, and they all died on a rollover, in my experience they are ( were)  aborigines. I bet this statistic is not published though, who wants to be called a racist?

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  6. I've been looking at maps and reckon the legs could be: 1. Edenhope to Deniliquin ( 369km by air )

                                                                                              2. Deniliquin to Narromine (475km)  

    I would plan to overnight at Narromine

    Next day,                                                                           3. Narromine to Moree( 403km)

                                                                                              4. Moree to Caboolture ( 406km)

                                                                                               5. Caboolture to ??? ( less than 100km)


    I would like to be able to refuel at Deniliquin  and also Moree.( I already know about Narromine and Caboolture). Both Deniliquin and Moree are there because they are sort of in the right places. I have zero knowledge of either, so I would appreciate any comments/suggestions that you guys out there must know.

  7. I don't include the locals in that bit incidentally. Farmers seem to be smarter than city folk  and I wonder why sometimes. We actually have a decreasing population around here, with abandoned farm-houses that once had big families. Our property, for example, is made up of 3 older farms.

    My only explanation is that prices for farm produce have fallen a lot, and city life attracts young people.

  8. I was told by the  RAAus head office phone answerer that I needed a doctor's signature YEARLY now on account of being over 75. If this is not correct please tell me. I did what was asked and took a copy of the last-year's driving license stuff and got the required signature, but it was expensive and required a well over 100 km round trip.

  9. Aviation loadings saved me from wasting money many years ago. I was told that I would have to pay more for gliding risks. When I asked for the actual figures, I was told that they had been worked out by those who were smarter than me.  In those days, I think that life insurance was a tax deduction.


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