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Posts posted by Spriteah

  1. So from what I am reading is if my log book says BAK passed then I do not have to do the cyber exam.


    Is that correct?


    And then if the book is signed as most RAA pilots would be from a RAA instructor will that be accepted by a GA Instructor CFI?


    What do people think?





  2. I'd like to create a thread to discuss what we expect from both RAA paid employees and what we expect from elected representatives.


    Of recent times there has been a lot of lobbying against the elected board members over the requirement to carry a ELT.


    The crux was that members were not consulted. Further to this point there are people pushing this as a great injustice and using scare tactics that this is just the begining and the board may introduce medicals, restrict slower aircraft ect. What we must all remember is what CASA says goes, the are the governing authority.


    My point of view is that they are elected to represent us as a group. We have the options to removed them if they fail us. As with any elected body they do not seek approval for the majority of decisions they make.


    I would also like to make it clear that the majority of RAA members DO NOT VOTE in the elections. This indicates to me a lack of concern as to what is occuring in our organisation.


    I will follow ths thread with interest as I'm sure so will the elected board members and RAA staff.





  3. Clouldsuck get over it!


    You place your name up for election. If you are elected you make decisions based on what your beliefs and representation suggests. Hence every government that we have in Australia.


    I say PLB at a cost of $600 with a life of seven years is a great decision for someone going more that 50nm from home in a two seater.


    If you disagree vote your rep out and put yourself into the seat. The stupid lobbying that has been occuring from Queensland over this item is outrageous. Seems to me it's all about personalities not the PLB's.


    Our club will purchase several PLB's and rent them out. But most of our serious pilots believe it is well worth while to get their own.





  4. Perhaps after the next GA related accident 5000 letters to newspapers questioning CASA's safety.


    But as I say that it is not the solution. However I am annoyed at the outcome. I have witnessed some very dodgey flying recently from overseas students training in GA. If I was to make any changes I would start there.


    If there are a few accidents with these pilots our new CASA boss will wear the brunt of it. Good luck to him. You only last in one of those positions while the government does not look bad.


    As to our RAA crew. Keep up the good work and lets revisit this ASAP. For safety if for nothing else.





  5. Well I am very interested in this one.


    Firstly, I will say that the RAA proposed training I believe was going to be more involved than PPL. If that is correct (an I have not seen the package) then the comments from GA pilots on here would be moot.


    More importantly most RAA Pilots would not go near CTA. You would need a TSO ASI, ALT, and a transponder that is all in test (certified). If your plane does not already have that the cost would be between 2 to 4 thousand dollars.


    So the traffic increase would be very minor.


    But watching with anticipation.





  6. Pretty sad that about the fuel.. I stopped at parkes so I did not need more at Narr.


    The owner of the fuel is also the instructor. Rips the punters off cause he can. What a dill. I always plan my flights away from there anytime of the year because of that.


    Now I have been chatting to RAA and they have agreed to run the next national event at Lethbridge. They have committed $300000 to develop the area and we will charge $50 per night for all visiting aircraft.


    Hope to see you there. Oh and watch out for the flying pigs. They have become a problem about our place.





  7. Best I introduce this subject. One of our members of Lethbridge has been involved in an accident in Benambra.


    At this time details are not clear however I can say both pilot and passenger have been injured but are in hospital and doing as good as can be.


    I will update the site as I find our more facts.


    Jim Tatlock




    Geelong Sports Avaitors



  8. Wel I got lots of response to this thread which is great. Lots to learn here. I think the most interesting comments are that dad said no filming!!!!


    In relation to motor bikes.


    As to the model. When I read 'take the dress off' I figured for a sec she was a great girl. And you where filming for Zoo Magazine. Naked model in a glider!!!!


    Be safe!!!





  9. Recently there are reports of very skilled aviators taking risks for reason that may well be commercial.


    Filming has been suggested for some recent fatalities.


    I dont want to make comment on particular instances however I would like to ask the room do they feel pressure to fly in poor conditions? Poor aircraft? Not feeling 100%.


    I know myself I have arrange for friends to attend the airport for a joy flight and although I felt comfortable I have done some challenging cross wind landings. I think to myself if the visitors were not there would have I gone flying?


    Im Curious about others comments on this subject.





  10. Ok so as guessed this has caused lots of constructive chats.


    One thing that I believe needs to be gained from the conversation is that if you observe an L2 do something that is not suitable. And what I mean is if you believe they are not competent at the tasks they are performing as a member of the RAA you have an obligation to report the actions to RAA.


    We are a self governing body. That means we look after each other. Pass it on and let the RAA look into it.....


    Cloud if I saw someone straightening a leg with a hammer I would have sent an email that evening and expressed my concern directly to RAA OPs and Tech Manager. I would also have spoken with the owner of the plane and suggest that it is not structurally safe.


    We will remain unregulated (compared to GA) only if we run a safe ship so to speak.





  11. I sat the exams 20+ years ago and Im sure the changes. Needless to say I didn't get in though I was not entering as aviation.


    I would presume that a lot of the tests they do today would be similar to lots of jobs. They will have appitude, reading comprehension, mechanical reasoning, problem solving and when you get through all that they will have stuff to check the noggin (for weird ideas). Brent is right as to search for them. get books from library. It will not give you answers but will get you used to what you will come across.


    The last test I was tested for included problem solving. It gave you symbols and lines and traffic lights. On the right the symbols where given rules. The lights would be allowed passed the symbols under certain circumstances. This is basically binary electronics. I have that as a trade. Finished the test in about 1o mins. You only had 20 to do it and as I looked around the room most were in absolute panic. So although you cannot have the answers you can have some clues before the tests!!!!





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