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Posts posted by VHKDK

  1. Kempsey peaked at 7.9metres at midnight, below its forecast peak. The flood waters are now receding in the town centre. 70 yo man drowned near Coffs yesterday. I think the rice and cotton growers would have the water before it got to the Murray.



  2. Welcome to TAA.


    What interest in buses do you have? I am into pre 70s buses from the UK. I have a large collection of EFE/OOC and a couple of Sunstar Routemasters. Dont know if you are farmiliar with these?



  3. Don't know how I missed this thread but I took this photo at Boort on 2nd May. The time was 11.34. It looks like Air VietNam to me. Is this the aircraft you saw?(see link below) Also notice the different coloured engines.


    It would have been flying appx 300 degrees. I dont know which way it flew after this as we were next to some trees but if it flew near to Wangaratta it must have made a drastic change of direction.





  4. No problem Glenn, I did not make myself very clear. Historical aviation identities are interesting to read about too.


    I just read about so many of the WWII veterans who are passing away, (and fliers from later conflicts) that I thought it would be a bit of a tribute to them to have a mention on a site such as this so that we can appreciate one last time what they have done for us.



  5. What I was hoping to do here is list people who have recently passed away around the world, who have aviation connections. Many we have never heard of but they have played their part shaping todays aviation and some have fought for our freedom. For instance I imagine most of us have heard of Bristow Helecopters but may not have known about if founder or his involvement in early helicopter flying.



  6. I don't know if anyone is interested in the recent passing of people who have been connected to aviation? Some were big players in the industry and others were involved in wartime aviation. Here are a few links.


    Wing Commander Ernest Millington, WC of 227 Squadron(Lancasters) and last surviving member of the wartime House of Commons.




    Lt Peter Goodfellow. Flew for the Fleet Air Arm from the Ark Royal and witnessed its sinking.




    Alan Bristow. Pioneered helecptor flying in the Fleet Air Arm and founder of Bristow Helecoptors.




    Wing Commander Douggie Oxby, the highest scoring(22 aircraft destroyed) allied nightime navigator of WWII.





  7. Once again it looks like the weather is not going to be kind. I have a couple of contact phone numbers but does anyone know if there is anything on the internet or failing that what the agenda is for the 2 days? The only thing I can find out is that The Roulettes will be performing on the Sunday(worth going just to see them). Robbo where did you get your info from?



  8. Did you notice that Today Tonight translated the control towers dialogue "abeam" into "abang!!!" I heard "Mike Whiskey Juliet" quite alright even though Today Tonight didnt. I have heard many times qualified pilots(in UK and Oz) not understanding instructions from the tower and on other occasions getting the controllers hot under the collar with such things as dangerous taxiing and undecipherable radios which have not been fixed.


    Anyway its good that this has been brought to our attention as I did not realise the problem was that bad.


    Good too that it was the first item as I did not have to sit through their nightly fabricated news about prancing with the stars.(Not a fan of Today Tonight as you may have assumed).



  9. G'day Coop,


    Thanks for the trip report and photos. Always good to see an Auster, on the ground or flying.






    This one looks the part, saw it at the Auster fly in at Wentworth in 2007.


    Just joined the AAAA and had excellent access at Echuca, a shame we were blown away by the weather. I am gradually putting my Echuca photos (along with Boort and others) on the gallery.









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