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Posts posted by markendee

  1. Remember people there are no stupid questions only stupid answers.


    Section 13.5.2 of the AIPSuP re flying into Avalon says to repeat the towers instructions.


    Eg. "YMAV TWR .. ............ .......... .........."


    Do you say "Avalon Tower" or what? Quotation marks usually mean say as written but why mav tower doesn't seem quite right somehow.


    Also there will be more than one tower so Avalon doesn't seem enough.


    Would it be Avalon Main Tower perhaps?


    What would you say?





  2. Bass,

    Only specific setups. The airbox supplied by ICP with the Savannah kit swaps cold air taken from the front of the engine bay just behind the prop and when heat is on takes air from the muffler. (That's clean air heated by passing around the exhaust.)


    Simple as can be.


    No airbox no heat at all.



  3. My Rotax airbox filters both hot and cold air.


    Don't know why all systems are not like this.


    I do realise there is not a large dust issue at altitude when heat is required but I think we have all been guilty of leaving it on while landing/taking off at times.


    As a maintenance issue I would rather all intake air be filtered.





  4. OK the full story.


    Mate sees an add in Pacific Flyer for LiPO4 batteries. Shows Mark, Mark likes.


    Mark buys and receives 10 AH battery with all the bells and whistles. (in built computer board, button to release ten starts if battery inadvertently drained etc)


    Didn't think 10 AH would be enough zapp but went ahead anyway.


    Battery did start the 80 Rotax but only if handled with kid gloves. If cranked willy nilly it would trip out and require the button to be pushed. (Mark on back under aeroplane removing belly hatch to access button)


    Was sure it would let us down sooner or later and of course it did.


    Sent battery back to dealer, tested and sent back to me.


    Let me down so sent back again.


    Dealer pulled it apart, doubled the cells (20AH) deleted all said you beaut computer gizmos (including button) and Mark refitted to small funny looking yellow aeroplane.


    Playing game so far.


    Final outcome:


    2Kg lighter than motorcycle battery, no nasty battery acid, no nasty hydrogen produced and if the story is to be believed (fingers tightly crossed) longer lasting than lead acid.


    Sooooooooooooooooo, am glad I persevered.


    (as long as it does last a looooooooooooong time.


    Mark D



  5. As a young bloke learning aerodynamics at RMIT I could not get my head around two particular points. (both stated here previously)


    1. Why is an aircraft able to fly upside down? My thinking was it would be pulled down by the lift.




    2. Why did the air particles HAVE to meet up again at the trailing edge?


    Drove our poor lecturer mad I'm sorry to say.



  6. Well done Simon,


    Didn't meet you but called out to you when you hopped out after your solo. (Nathan whisked you away before we could meet you properly)


    Good luck with your long term plan - need good young people for the future.


    Mark D



  7. Ron,


    A few things I wish someone had told me.


    Bill's advice excellent. I separated the parts into labelled cardboard boxes. Worth the time tenfold.


    Buy a good divided box and put all the nuts, bolts, washers, split pins etc in their respective well labelled homes. You may even wish to add to this collection as I found the supplied numbers lacking.


    Buy a heap more clecos (cannot have too many) and an extra two pairs of quality cleco pliers. (you will see why when you receive the ICP ones) Keep the sized clecos in individual open containers.


    You cannot have too many tie down straps when rolling the leading edge skins - at least one on every rib - bring them all in a little at a time and you will do it with ease.


    Don't let the build manual get you down - hit the phone when it confuses you - and it will.


    We purchased a pneumatic rivet gun from Supercheap for $80.00. A heap more smooth and gentle than the supplied unit - less chance of damaging the skins and a lot nicer to use. (there is over 14000 rivets to pull so don't discount this tip too readily)


    Have a plan for applying the etch primer. I purchased it in spray cans (about twenty two of them) but would use a spray gun next time. This is when assembling the airframe not painting the aircraft.


    Have the dash panel painted early and do not fit the support under it until the dash is well and truly in. Make up the dash when you need a break from the airframe. It is good fun and it is nice to look at when your pals come around.


    Hope you enjoy the build.







  8. So far it's:


    Factory Built:












    UL-D (Long wing, long fuse, big tail)


    J120 (modified SP with big tail)


    Kit Built:


    SK (short wing, short fuselage)


    SP (short wing, long fuselage)


    SP6 (sp in 6 cylinders)


    SP-T (Tail scraper)



















  9. Pete, 32 - so not too many, thanks for asking.


    Thanks for the replies fellas.


    That list is a great help Brent - starting to make sense of it all.


    One thing though. What did you mean by:-


    "The SP had extras that made the LSA55 a better aircraft (like the stretched fuselage), but rather than spend a million re-certifying, the factory LSA55 stayed the same and the Kit SP was sold and eventually in a way evolved into the J160."


    Why were the extras detrimental? I'm guessing the longer fuse hampered the performance???



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