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Posts posted by sixtiesrelic

  1. Hmmm 70 litres per hour for almost the same speed as a DC-3 using 360 lit per hour.


    How many can it carry?




    Fill a Goonie and it comes to about 12 lit per hour per seat and the sound of TWO big round engines...


    Nice big throaty DOUBLE row radials.


    CWS has been flying at Perth over the last three days, bringin' tears to the eyes of a few nostalgiacs.



  2. I’d been on previous flights but the memories are too hazy.


    I was three. It was 1946.


    The old man was doing the demonstration flight when TAA introduced the great big Skymaster (DC-4) to the public at Mascot.


    My mother and I were the only passengers on that quick flight.


    After take off when I’d finally gotten my hands off my ears … sacred of the loud noise, I became alarmed at the old man’s disregard for my safety during a turn and reckoned he’d scrape the wing tip on the ground.


    My mother explained we were high up. I had no conception of our height above the ground at that age.


    On shutting down the engines some men rolled out a red carpet to the steps that been pushed to the aircraft door.


    The red carpet for ME was quite correct in my opinion.


    We waited till the old man had finished in the cockpit.


    I’d become riveted on the trim wheel….can’t remember anything else in the cockpit other than “me dad†in civies and that knurled wheel.


    As we approached the back door to leave, the first visitors entered the aircraft. Some kid my age had the audacity to try and barge past me.


    I put him in his place by ordering him off MY father’s plane in no uncertain terms.


    One of the great disappointments in my life was to discover it wasn’t MY father’s plane at all and that other people could wander in willy-nilly.


    Went home quite shitty about it.



  3. The sound of round is great!


    There's the sedate moan of the DC3 passing overhead.


    The more business like growl of the Caribou DC-4 and Convair.Even the shakey jake's sound good, BUT, what about a Merlin!


    don't they make the eyes water?



  4. Go for it!! You'll get there and LOVE circuits.


    With the landings , Student Pilot covered it well. Listen to him!


    EVERYBODY has the some problem at your stage.


    You think you have five big toes on the end of your hand and you'll never get there, then SUDDENLY the problem's gone and you don't know how it happened.


    The big toes on you hands... never go away when you fly. Unless you're an ace.


    You become proficient in one aircraft and it is part of you. You soar like an eagle in it.


    Get into a new more complicated one and you're back to being a "freak" wondering if you're doing the right thing.


    Most airline guys suffer the problem.


    I saw a friend tell the CFI she was giving up learning to fly as she was no good.


    Her husband, a bit of a "scummy" airline pilot, told her she was useless and would never get there!


    The CFI ... a bloke who started flying lessons in his late forties was one of life's gentlemen and had the best attitude to students and aviating I've ever seen said, "Lets go for a fly and see what the problem is"


    He'd had plenty of problems climbing the ladder to CFI and understood.


    On returning from their flight, I overheard them as they left the aircraft and he went through all her actions from the pre flt inspection to gettin' out at the end and he praised everything she did.


    He said' "Your only problem is flaring and we can fix that easily".


    She got her license.


    Should have divorced the selfish jerk who left her at the altar three times before before giving in and saying "I do", but Women are funny animals.


    She is too good for him.


    Which flying school are you with and who's the CFI?


    I guess the blokes I knew are gone by now... haven't been to MK since 1989





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