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Posts posted by kevinblack

  1. Just a general observation. Was at Parkes a couple of weeks ago and had a look over some of the current offerings. Some nice acft, but the pricing has gone bats$%^&*t crazy. The general pricing of those acft was between $300k to $600k+. I am unsure of the market these people are aiming at (some say flighty schools, who am I to argue), but I'm quite sure this is way outside the area of recreational flying. I could be wrong and maybe it's just a sign of the times what with inflation and all, but I'm pretty sure it's not 300%. I don't know if building is way cheaper (has never interested me), but I do note the likes of Vans n the experimental marketplace have spectacularly increased their prices.


    Anyway, rant mode off, just disappointed to see that sort of pricing which were for some OK aircraft, nothing that I'd call spectacular.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Thruster88 said:

    Land O Matic was used in Cessna advertising when the C172 first came out. With nose wheel rudder was no longer required 😂.


    PA-28 landing advantage over the cessna is due mainly to the oil shock absorbers on all three legs imho.



    images (18).jpeg

    Never had that happen to me, there was/is nothing landomatic about a 172's landing gear.\. I just like the stability of the Warrior II on approach and especially in an Xwind and on short-final. But that's just me. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Thruster88 said:

    Hi Kevin, assume you are from Canberra. This may interest you, it is a well  run syndicate with a really nice aircraft. Rate is $220 an hour WET. If you fly 50 hours a year I don't think it would be cheaper owning an LSA when you factor in insurance  hangar maintenance etc. 



    Nice aircraft and great rate, but Young is just a step too far (although..........). 

  4. 3 hours ago, Flightrite said:

    no, the old rusty clunker PA series are in a world of their own👍

    Yes, a friend of mine has built a couple of RV6s IIRC and lastly an RV12 (He paid $70k for the propeller). It's a beautiful machine, but I think all up it was somewhere south of $300k and several years (and he was a very experienced builder). I just happen to like the old PA28s. But it looks like the RV range might be the way to go. The LSA range is attractive because of the Driver's license medical. I have no disqualifying conditions (one gammy eye, but that hasn't been an issue in then past), and I believe you can get a CASA medical from your GP (one passenger only).  I am unsure of the license/medical requirements for experimental acft, I assume PPL required. 

  5. 12 hours ago, turboplanner said:

    Why did you ask then?

    I am unsure of the intent. I asked because I wanted to know if there was an LSA that handled like a Warrior. I thought I made that pretty clear. As I said, I'm NOT really interested in following the PPL route (did you miss that). I was looking for something in the LSA arena. I though I made that clear. And as I also made clear, LSA ownership looks much cheaper.  Sorry for the confusion.

  6. 1 hour ago, turboplanner said:

    Regardless of the Warrior cost the number of hours required to stay current is very very low.


    Hey, thanks.


    Yes a couple of hours a week (not that cheap), BUT the cost of ownership of a Warrior II is significantly more than an LSA. War story: Almost went into a three-way share on an older Cherokee 180. The buy-in was $15k, the first annual was $88k (pretty much twice the purchase price). Sure, that's an extreme example and luckily I was out before it got to that. Even before that, the hourly cost of owning was in excess of the hourly cost of renting (I see your point). LSA ownership looks far more attractive.

  7. My RAAUS type flying is essentially a few hours in a Jabiru J160, a few more in a J170 and a couple of right-seat trips in the early (low wing) Brumby LSA (which I found incredibly squirrely). I have a couple of hundred hours in Cessna 150/172, Cherokee 180 and Warrior II.  The one I liked the most was the Warrior II, I just gelled with the handling etc etc.


    With a possible opportunity to get back into flying (not really interested in the PPL side, but would keep the controlled airspace rating) is there anything in LSA type market that handles like a Warrior II? It doesn't have to be a clone, but something with similar flying and handling characteristics.


    Price would be an issue, so doesn't have to be new. As an observation, I see J240s in the $60k-$80k price range. I don't know what the upper limit would be, but certainly nothing more than $150k (the actual upper limit could be quite below that, but it will definitely not be above that figure).



  8. Jenny,


    I'm quite low hours in my flying, and find when coming in close to landing, maybe 30 to 50 ft, I seem to drift off centreline, always to the left, and land pointing slightly left. Then I dont like jumping hard on the rudder when I'm still moving fast. Do you think a sim would help lining up my landings?Since you fly a Jab yourself, could I ask you for any other pointers?

    Cheers, Jenny

    Firstly I am converting from GA (PA28-151/C152/C172) and have about 5+ hours in the Jabiru so I'm not the best guy for pointers there. It might be worth posting a new thread, there are others that post on the various forums that would be far better at answering your Jabiru specific questions.


    As I noted in one of my other posts, my landings at the moment are like a rabid dog with epilepsy. They are getting better, I'm using the rudder much more and the ailerons much less when landing.


    Having said that, I have similar problems as you - left pointing, rounding out too high etc. I was with an instructor last week who said the left pointing is a Jabiru trait. Your feet, ie. precisely where you are sitting isn't exactly perfectly straight, it is off center in a Jabiru so the tendency is to set yourself up with the aircraft pointing slightly left. Sounded reasonable to me, but you may wish to confirm that rather than accepting it at face value.


    With these lower inertia you have got to be on the rudder pedals all the time. And my usual instructor (many many hours in Jabirus (120/160/170/230)) teaches basically on (short) final keep it straight with the rudder and use the elevator to slow it down (or speed it up). On final most of the work is with your feet.


    I've used FSX for quite a while. Unless you have a very sophisticated setup (including rudder pedals etc etc) it's not going to help much with landing. Where it will help is with procedures, so just starting the aircraft, doing the preflight in the cockpit, runup, downwind checks, shutdown etc etc. The iris simulations are quite good and the presentation of the panel is pretty good depending on what's in your aircraft. The basic instruments and switches are all correct. For about $30 for FSX and $28 for a J170 or J160 (if that's what you are flying) I'd say it's worth it. It's not going to teach you to fly though. You may also wish to look at XPlane, there is a free XPlane J160 aircraft and XPlane costs about $60 so, in the wash, it's about the same. You can get a demo version and try it out with the default aircraft.







  9. should've bought a 160 .......:cheezy grin:




    Actually I haven't bought anything, I'm simply doing the conversion.





    Thanks for that. I'd read the J170/J230 articles (and FWIW the J160/J12o articles). I'm sensing the J230 is probably a better fit for me, but the J230 at the flight school I'm with recently blew an engine - the day of my first flight, I was next in line, as they say 'timing is everything' (valve or something came loose and trashed the engine). So I am training in what's available.



  10. I've looked, but cannot find a comparison. Firstly background: PPL 200+ hours over 16 years. Haven't flown for 5+ years due illness (and gaps before that due lack of $$$). Now done about 4-5 hours in J170D. Differences from Warrior:


    1. rudder pedals are no longer just foot rests
    2. much more difficult (for me) to:

        line up
      • make a stable approach







    [*]ground rush (where I just didn't get that sensation in a Warrior)


    [*]rounding out too high (and consequently dropping it in)


    [*]close to the ground, well like a rabid dog with epilepsy (although getting better)


    [*]actually in the air, not too many issues (other than relearning what I had previously learned)


    My question, is there much difference between the J170D and the J230D when it comes to the approach and landing, ie. is the slightly heavier J230D more stable?


    Or, given same wings and a slightly bigger fuselage, does the J230D behave in precisely (or pretty much precisely) the same as the J170D?





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  11. Steven,


    1.3.1 is actually out and a bit more stable. 1.3.2 is out soon which will have point and click route selection I'm told. StuB, one o the testers, says it is already on his version.


    EDIT: Actually released today 081209.







  12. Ross, FD,


    Thanks for that.


    GA, done YSCB/YMRY a few times and up/down the Araluen valley. In the past I've headed down at Ulladulla and flown down the coast to YMRY. I was just thinking about avoiding the YMRY airspace on the weekend because it gets a bit busy.


    I wasn't sure about HCLs applicability if there is anything else, but down at 2500 and up at 1500 sounds reasonable, thanks for the advice.


    Sounds like just tune into 126.7 down and up.


    Thanks again guys,







  13. Hi,


    Quick question, I'm thinking of flying costal Moruya to Merimbula (from CBR), ie. south down the East Coast and then backup. I will let down south of Moruya on the way down (keep clear of the CTAF) and vice versa.


    I normally fly small segments at 1500ft and its not a problem I've had a nagging thought though that this may not be quite right:


    1. What are the expected altitudes for flying up and down the coast, ie where would others expect me to be (VFR Guide just talks about the VFR levels East and WEST)?


    2. On the south bound leg I assume I should keep close to the shoreline and further out traveling north (on coming traffic passes to the right of each other, VFR Guide keep right)?


    3. Should I be broadcasting my position, and on what frequency (Area - nearest CTAF etc) VFR Guide say to keep a listening watch?


    Looked at the VFR Flight guide, see above, but couldn't find the stuff I specifically want.







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