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Posts posted by Kelvin

  1. Thanks Phil, (old v bold pilots)


    Yep, your right. Contributors to this thread have given me a shot-in-the-arm at a pivotal point that goes from dreaming to waking up to some more "clear prop".


    Kelvin (with a long way to go and clear sky's ahead)



  2. Neville, (Wife's confidence)


    Thanks for outlining how it all comes together for you. That's where I'd like to be. My wife went looking for BAK CD's and DVD's for me on ebay yesterday. That's getting involved, is it not?


    Kelvin (with a long way to go, but enjoying it all the same)



  3. Thanks Paul, www.sportys.com has the sort of DVD's I'm looking for. My new CFI agrees that using them interactively with family should help alleviate the fear of the unknown. My wife has been quoted as saying I'm very careful in what I do, so that's a positive. Again, my CFI advised me that the DVD's will show some flying techniques we do differently and he will explain why.


    I'm taking all good advice 'on-board' including the warnings and reservations.


    Kelvin (with a long way to go).



  4. Frank, this is very thoughtful and mostly from the heart. The sort of feedback we need to keep in mind when we have to reveal our fall-back decision making position when things are not going according to plan. Now I'm going to read all your other posts. Very much appreciated. Kelvin.



  5. Thanks Farri,


    I need to build the idol-of-my-life’s confidence in RA given what happened to my CFI in GA. If I had BAK on CD’S I could go through it more easily with her and hopefully show that RA addresses all incident causes including design, environment and behavior, as in pure safety science. Do see where I’m coming from? I could just plow on and worry my wife no end. On the other hand by trying to find a spare set of the CD’s that had been released and no longer needed, is well worth the attempt





  6. Nope sorry! The aircraft will just sit on the conveyor belt with its wheels spinning like crazy!To create the lift required for the aircraft to fly, there must be airflow over the wings (not just prop wash as some have alluded to). If the force driving the aircraft forward (thrust from props, jets, rockets) is countered from the outset by a force in the opposite direction (the culmination of frictional forces between the tyres and the runway/conveyor belt), the end result will be nil forward motion of the aircraft - therefore nil airflow over the wings - therefore the aircraft will never generate sufficient lift to become airborne!






    PS: If you don't believe me - go buy a small electric aeroplane and try it out on a treadmill!

    Roger, you have got it in one. If the prop cant move the A/C forward, there will be no lift like we always feel just before rotate. This is not a trick question. I suppose in that there is something to be really sorry about.:ah_oh:



  7. G'Day,


    I bacame interested in flying during the 50th celebratios on The Battle of Britian where some pilots had trained at Point Cook near Melbourne. I then began GA training from Avalon in 98, went solo in 99 and clocked up 47.7 hours before being 'distracted' by too much work and not enough family. When thinking of getting back into the air my CFI ex-Naval Commander of 42 years was test flying a Lancair IV turbo-prop and nosed dived from 4000 feet at Drysdale in 2002. Hence the title of this thread.


    I became aware of the rapid developments in RA and advised a friend last year on how to become a pilot. I had a TIF in A Gazzle at Lethbridge Air Park and realised what I'd been missing in March 07. In turn he (now licenced) introduced me to this forum.


    I dread the time in swatting up on on BAK again but noticed a 10+ CD BAK TRAINING kit had just been taken off the market by a QLD flight training provider from a lack of support. There are similar BAK training CD's in Canada but it's just not the same. Just when I thought it would be a great way to get back into flying again. Encouragement, well I get plenty from my new pilot friend (like you wouldn't believe).


    :help:I'm hoping for some feedback on this thread from anyone really.



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