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Everything posted by LLeTronic

  1. Does anyone else realise this massive cargo plane is over 50 years old now? All other guppy aircraft have retired well before this one - NASA obviously keeps theirs in tip top condition. I'm surprised it hasn't received any sort of avionics upgrade, the B-377's manual/analog controls are ancient. So ancient that it still requires a crew of four. Oh well, it gets from A to B! But if it does encounter any sort of technical/fuselage problems in the near future I doubt NASA would spend any of its tight budget on an aircraft that was manufactured in the 60's with no guarantees that it could fly again. Anyone want to have a wild stab or accurate guess as to how much longer we can expect this aircraft to remain operational for? I really have no idea. P.S I'm NEW, so I'll say hello in this thread!
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