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Posts posted by PaulN

  1. Fellow fliers,


    I share this, not out of disrespect, but in the hope of drumming home the need to treat our recreational aircraft and flying privileges with due care.


    Only yesterday I bumped into a friend in Cooma and conversation led to my remarking about this Italian incident. To my astonishment my friend said he was acquainted with Vittorino and shared the cockpit of a CT with him while visiting Italy and went on to say "He was a very skilled pilot but he scared the **** out of me when flying base he put the CT through a roll without warning".


    Old or bold ... which is for you?





  2. Hey Mike,


    We rubbed shoulders briefly at CH on the Saturday. I'm the one with the better looking CT ... sorry Ian, Matt and Kaz :big_grin:. Might see more of each other in the not too distant future as Gwen and I are looking to move up your way, maybe Bonny Hills, before the years out.







  3. We decided to hang about at Port until Tuesday after the Camden Haven fly-in. Maybe a good idea in hindsight, whaddayareckon Ross and Jack 049_sad.gif.af5e5c0993af131d9c5bfe880fbbc2a0.gif? Anyway, that meant a longer than expected wait as the weather between Port and Cooma, inland or coastal (esp coastal), gave threatening appearances saying "stay away" all week. So stay away we did, one of the benefits of retirement ... we have the time to spare as they say.


    The upside is I got to know the Hastings District Flying Club crew better (they're a great bunch of people who give away wonderful trays of meat 006_laugh.gif.0f7b82c13a0ec29502c5fb56c616f069.gif) and am now a paid up member.


    My new daily ritual of checking the BOM general reports each evening and aviation area and TAF reports each morning became established routine that week, as did the head shaking and murmuring. Finally things started looking promising for Sunday or Monday to make a break for it before the weather went crumby again in the south. I can't remember seeing that many fronts, one after the other, pushing through so persistently.


    Sunday morning dawned with spectacular clear skies and light breeze at Port, even a little frost, but alas the reported winds, clouds, showers (rn and sn), severe turb and freezing levels tended to be a bit put-offish so we stayed put yet again.


    By this Gwen was getting a bit twitchy (she's not a happy flyer if reports are not for near perfect conditions) so we did a midnight trip to Wauchope where she boarded the train for Canberra leaving me more scope for choosing conditions I'm happy to fly in. Back up at 0500 for the ritual weather report fetch ... only this time I was ready to go.


    The night before I had submitted with NAIPS my plan to head home via the inland route but the morning report suggested too much cloud. I re-submitted for coastal with alt at 5000 between Camden Haven and Nobby's to stay above reported turb then 10000 over top of YSSY and direct to YSCB and then home. I have found it to be very helpful when negotiating with ATC to have a plan in place.


    Off the ground at YCMH at 0815 (took an hour getting the CT started after flooding ... it's always hard to get started when cold) then up to 5000 to enjoy the lovely h/wind of 35kt thinking to myself "good thing I put on 110 litres" ... I like lots of reserve, for times just like this.


    Approaching Willy I called Clearance "CT3841 at 5000 tracking coastal southbound, nil ATIS, request clearance to continue track at present alt" Following the usual back and forth chatting and squawking I was cleared to track straight over YWLM at 5500. Passing Willy I noticed this huge, I mean HUGE, a/c parked on the taxiway. Curiosity took hold so I called Willy TWR and asked what it was. "Antanov" came the friendly reply.


    Passing Nobby's I was stunned by the number of ships waiting off shore for their turn to load. I took a quick count of 40 and that was only about half of what I could see.


    Good to see though was the Pasha Bulka finally on its way.


    Over top of Swansea Willy handed me off making it time to call Sydney Radar for clearance to climb and track over top direct for Canberra. As the BOM forecast severe turb below 10000 for this part of the journey my submitted plan showed A100 for preferred alt. Thankfully no problem for Sydney ATC. "Radar, CT3841 tracking Newcastle, Sydney, Canberra direct. This time over top Swansea. Received Delta, Request clearance to climb one zero thousand" His reply "CT3841, do you have an alternate plan if clearance is not available?" Now how should I answer that :;)4:? "Negative, 3841". "Stand by". Shortly after I'm up and over and on the way to Canberra. Brilliant views.


    Soon enough the usual radio talk with Canberra Approach was done and I'm only minutes from Cooma.


    In all a great 4.5 hour flight with clear air and no bumps until the last 12 minutes as I descended from 10000 to circuit height of 4100 at YCOM for a nice xwind touchdown. But, I really should have said no to that coffee before departing .... oh, the bladder pain :;)2:.


    Relieved the bladder (twice), unloaded baggage, packed away the CT and off to town to meet Gwen off the bus at 1330. She didn't like it when I told her how smooth the flight was.


    And now the cold, cold wind is howling outside again. So glad to be home at last.













  4. G'day Mike,


    Great weekend at Camden Haven, eh? Yes, it leaves you feeling pretty good when able to share the privileges we enjoy up there.


    While over the snow at 10k the OAT was +2.7C on my panel and inside was 22C. Yep the cabin heat works just fine.


    I reckon that quarry at North Haven has to be the neatest on the east coast, complete with olympic pool :big_grin:.


    I overflew your home strip on return home from Port yesterday, looked pretty quiet from where I was viewing.







  5. Hi,


    Gwen and I are still stuck in Port too. Looks like Thurs or Fri before heading back to Cooma, inland this time. Please keep us posted on the Canberra view Kaz and Ross.


    Maybe we should just move up here and be done with it :;)4:.


    "If you've time to spare ....." 068_angry.gif.cc43c1d4bb0cee77bfbafb87fd434239.gif.





  6. I am not sure if my mobile (Telstra) will have coverage. Anybody around that area know?

    Hi Darren,


    I too use Telstra and my mobile works fine at CH.




    PS For all others flying in, as Ian has already advised the comms freq at YCMH is 126.7 ... BUT also listen out on 118.1 (YPMQ freq) as I encountered a gentleman flying out of CH this arvo using 118.1. He insists it is correct contrary to what the owners of the strip advise. Gave us a bit of a fright as we were about to touch down when happily taxied out in front of us. Not a close call but definitely one of those moments. Also, the strip is a beautifully smooth grass surface but is fairly undulating so beware of being bounced off the ground during your fast roll-out. Put your flaps away as soon as your wheels touch.





  7. And take a look at those flood waters. What you are looking at is normally a panorama of dry green rural country, not the inland sea as seen here. Our hearts go out to the many people affected. This pic is taken viewing from over the Newcastle city coastline at 3500'.







  8. Doug,


    The CT has a lockable cabin but CASA deems this as inadequate. From what I understand one needs to apply a locking system that makes the aircraft inoperative ... just in case some dingbat/terrorist breaks in an gets the idea they can wreak havoc with an ultralight. I guess this means that someone whose prepared to breaks into the cabin area immediately looses incentive when confronted with a second lock ... hmmm :confused:. In keeping with this logic (or rather the reverse, locks only keep out honest people) I fit a bicycle lock around 2 of the 3 blade prop which effectively makes the plane inoperative unless the lock is removed (bolt cutter job). More common is a throttle lock mechanism with padlock (also no match for a bolt cutter).







  9. Good onya Chris. Spread the word 011_clap.gif.c796ec930025ef6b94efb6b089d30b16.gif.


    I had a brief friendly with a fellow aviator yesterday (GA). I mentioned plans to fly up to Qld in the CT next week. His response "All you need now is a real airplane". Then went on to tell me he favours touring in the Bell 44. "What's the fuel burn on that?" I asked. "60 litres per hour but it does a comfortable 120 TAS". "Oh" I said, "I prefer the 20 litres the CT burns, and that at 120 too." He turned and walked away.





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