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Posts posted by Splitty

  1. Little information available but Accident report states27-11-2017 18:30 781 / WM VIC Accident Yarrawonga Airfield P&M Quik GTR


    Pilot elected to land ahead of a storm front moving through the area. Pilot experienced turbulence due to a gust front (which are known to extend many kilometers ahead of a storm cell) Pilot experienced severe turbulence during late final and roundout causing impact with runway. Aircraft damaged on impact.


    Pilots should familiarize themselves with the gust front phenomenon and adjust landing decisions accordingly. see -


    I remember many many years ago racing against a Gust Front at Christchurch International Airport once in a C172 I arrived at one end of the 8000’ Runway As the Gust Front reached the Other ! Landed OK but it took about 8 Ground Handlers to Assist Me taxiing to the Safety Of a Hanger ...!



  2. I have a Panasonic full HD video camera. It hardly sees the prop but a horrible 'wavy' distortion makes it useless for flying video. My Contour HD takes goood full HD video without distortion and although you see the prop, it is not that bad. The prop distortion is a function of the way the sensor scans rather than the lens.

    Thanks mate only going on what I see on their web site & their Demo Videos ....... looks good to me!



  3. :smile:Hey Pud,


    Check out N Flight.cams.com its a USA Company Guy that makes aviation related Cams mate........ he has a cam that takes a special lense that completly elimates the Prob Blur all together...........Looks like a good Product thinking of getting one myself.......


    Cheers John H.



  4. I'm also interested in this Engine as well. It seems like a great alternative to the Rotax & Jabiru engines with its FADEC engine controls for both Power & Fuel economy. Its very popular in Europe but poorly promoted in USA although a new distributor there may make some inroads as a few light Aircraft builders are now installing & testing them...Pity they don't have an agency in Oz.! I'd love to put one in a RV-12 one day!



  5. Some of you Guys may be Interested in Building an RV-12 Kit plane ...sounds like a real nicely peforming Rotax 912 powered Aircraft. Good perfomance Nice Specs with a good Dynon Panel and reasonably cheap to Build & Fly..! :thumb_up:



  6. Champ


    :big_grin:Thanks Maj


    you ever get up this way again give us a bell.........yeah went in a Lightwing many ( kgs ) years ago was impressed too .! benn in touch with the Boonah school so may have to make a trip south one day after the kgs peel off..!!! LOL Only heard good about it so far well build nicely finished etc. Instructor said the Ailerons a bit heavy but otherwize spot on! Well keep the air under U there bud later & many thanks!


    Splitty ;)



  7. Champ Aircraft


    Hi Maj I hope U find a suitable Champ too mate.!! I learnt too fly in the tandem seat Champion 7EC nearly 50 years ago & had a great time flying virtually all around NZ in it.!! Great little Aeroplane for sure..! theses days Im looking towards the Savage Cub Cruiser which looks very simular too old ZK-BUU of years ago .!! I belive I have found a club with one at Boonah QLD so will check it out ..........Keep us posted of developments there .!!



  8. Jab


    Hi Drizz Mmmmm 88kgs pure mucle eh? sounds interesting..LOL yeah I gotta try fitting my big butt in one of those mate..!! Im on a diet right now to lose this huge nose cowel here!! Then I'll see if I can fold my big legs away in one..!!! LOL Thanls for that mate!


    Cheers John



  9. Yeah prefer cabin type Fun /Cruiser I see plenty on the Net here But I really have too phisically try them I think see if im comfortable in them mate, Wide Bay Airshow comming up so will go have a Squizz there Ta.



  10. Hi Guys newly retired guy here in beautiful Hervey Bay here looking too Buy /build/ assemble/ a suitable lightie for some flying fun...........Im 6'3" / 100 kgs so have probs with lots of A/C would like feed back from guys on suitable aircraft..Great Club & great site guys..........


    Thanks Splitty



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