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Posts posted by ian00798

  1. If you want to be able to carry your family on trips you will need more than 2 seats, which pretty much leaves you stuck with going RPL. And ultimately if you want CTA and CTR etc you might as well just skip the RPL and go straight for PPL, much more flexibility there. If you go to the right schools, ie dual RA/GA they may even do your initial training in an RA aircraft to keep the cost down.



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  2. Well then I guess since where the money comes from to get the aircraft isn't important as long as it's in the best interest of recreational aviation some minor offence like bank robbery etc is no biggy either, just make sure it's spent on an Australian aircraft though. I mean come on, if what she is accused of did actually happen it is nothing short of a criminal offence, and rather than promoting recreational aviation and jabiru it's dragging the companies name through the mud assosciated with yet another scandal. That is extremely unfortunate because they are a beautiful aircraft to fly and I learnt a lot about stick and rudder flying from the Jabiru.



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  3. I find a lot of people on this forum not acting in the best interest of recreational flying !I reckon Pauline is brilliant for getting up again after what happened before and having a go ! Whether I agree or disagree with her politics she is making a difference and that's all that matters ! And so are some other pollies, She thinks outside the square ! Talks what the average person talks about, Bought a little plane and went and talked to the people across this great country ! Who cares about stupid rules that no one seems to be sure about and trying to proclaim it wrong or illegal !

    Anyone who is knocking or claiming wrong doing put up or shut up and stop Jeperdising the recreational flying fraternity with all the BS. In my opinion what she does is fine where the money comes from is another matter but that is a political issue and not our problem. Glad she has an Aussie plane !

    Sweet, so your all good with me going and committing fraud to get my hands on an aeroplane as long as it's a jabiru or other Australian aircraft?



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  4. I don't care what office they are or are not in, I would like to see them held to at least the same standard as a member of the general public. Try claiming your personal aircraft as a business expense on your tax return and see how that one flies. If you get away with it let me have your accountants number, I could use someone with that kind of talent. Of course the reality is you would more likely be facing a fraud charge as you gained an advantage through deception. Same with Pauline if the allegations are true, and therefore she should be subject to the same standards and penalties. Of course she isn't the only politician who is also a crook, and the others need the same treatment that is being dished out now.



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  5. They are allegations currently, not facts, and you have broken defamation law, oh the hypocrisy.

    They are allegations with significant evidence to back them up, and therefore not defamatory. In the words of Pauline herself, at the very least it deserves a "please explain". Ultimately like all members of politics she will get away with it. If any of us tried it we would be off to prison.



  6. Why take the heat off someone who has committed fraud? How is that reasonable? Just because you may possibly agree with her policies doesn't mean what she did was right. This isn't a case of flying at 499ft instead of the 500ft or something small like that, it's serious fraud! She obtained financial advantage through deception!


    She has done exactly the same fraud as the labour politician and should be penalised the same, and frankly it probably is worthy of prison for both.



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  7. I do not in any way see people are attacking her for flying in a Jabiru. The plane is completely incidental except that it is the means the dodgyness has been exposed by its use and donation.No one is complaining it should be a Airpus, Boring, Cesspool or whatever. No one is saying she can't legitimately fly around to do parliamentary bussiness or even pre election stuff. As long as the CASA crap and RAA rules are followed- great good on her.


    What is been said- is the money trail, people involved and their connections with a total refusal to follow the electoral act and parliamentry rules for officeholders, their staff and party organisations- appears to be a huge smelly pile of trouble.


    It gives the appearance of a fire, smells like a fire and we can certainly see smoke.....and some are getting a very warm feeling on their feet. I wonder if there is a Fire?


    The only saving grace for us aircraft lovers is they had the good sense (but less face it not many better alternatives and spent the $100k ish on a Jabiru) to pick a great Aussie machine.


    And I will be straight up front- I have no care for Pauline but nor do I for most pollies. Just because some may like her does not make the smell or fire go out.


    All pollies should be 100% accountable and anyone in a relationship business or political/personal with them. No exceptions, not even for red head fish shop mongers.


    And before I am slammed for been a left wing green loving pinko commie- Which is mostly true.

    I don't think I will slam you for those comments, pretty much my exact sentiments on the matter there.



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  8. Really? So your ok with it just because it's an Australian built aeroplane? If you or I tried something like this we would be extremely lucky to avoid becoming a long term guest of her majesty. The fact that it's an Australian built aircraft in no way changes the fact that what has occurred here is likely an act of fraud, and I can't say I condone that under any circumstances.



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  9. Well it still gave them the prospect of being able to be a first officer in an airline and many made a career out of that. However for absolutely no sane reason casa has now made it so new class one applicants with CVD can only operate day VFR, which realistically means no hope of an aviation career. This makes no sense and just shows a regulator that isn't conducting evidence based decisions. However this is also now getting well outside the scope of this thread so I think it's a good time to stop going down that way.



  10. We are very much in support of change, however we have both had enough experience with casa to know that they don't base their decision on what is reasonable and common sense. For example, for 30 years we were letting pilots with colour blindness fly as commercial pilots in Australia. Then with no supporting evidence casa decided that was too risky. It's evidence backing up our assertion that casa won't relax its medical standards to a reasonable level. I absolutely believe that for a small aircraft a drivers licence medical is sufficient for operating in CTA. However good luck convincing casa of that. I certainly wouldn't hold my breath.



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  11. Are you suggesting that glider pilots and parachutists are now under threat?Given the current pushback from AOPA and RAA I would be confident that 90% of pilots would be very happy if CASA came to the party with a far lighter touch in medicals.

    90% of pilots, including me would indeed be happy if casa relaxed the standards. However, casa don't base their policy on what makes pilots happy, and I suspect they pay very little attention to AOPA and RAA.


    Ian, I see no evidence of STRENGTHENING. I understand that their is a discussion paper out where they are looking at options and submissions from AOPA and RAA plus seeking info on current standards in the USA, NZ and U.K.

    There is a big difference between looking at submissions and actually relaxing standards. Considering submissions makes it appear to industry that casa is contemplating relaxing standards. Then they change the regulations on CVD pilots, introduce a RAMPC that is an absolute joke and god only knows what they have in mind next.



  12. Perhaps the fact that even though it has been attempted several times nothing has changed? Perhaps you could produce the evidence that casa would be willing to be flexible on that one? I suspect 90% of the aviation community would be shocked if casa relaxed medical standards given the fact that if anything they are strengthening them at the moment.



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