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Paul Kiddell

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Everything posted by Paul Kiddell

  1. Cheers fellas, thanks for taking the time. Just been up over Northumberland, got to love a bit of winter flying :) http://[/img] http://[/img]
  2. Greetings everyone. Paul Kiddell from Eshott Airfield here which is north of Newcastle upon Tyne, just south of the Scottish border. Got 500 hrs mostly on Eurostars but also a few on C42s and a little Fokker Eindecker replica we used to own. I am part-owner of a 80hp EV-97 Eurostar (I guess Sportstar to you), get to fly a lot and love it of course. I organise the UK annual Eurostar fly-in which next year will be at Sywell on 23/24 April - we had 54 Eurostars at the inaugural event last year so hoping to better that this year. If anyone happens to be over plse drop by - we do loads of rides on the day if weather ok. Anyway, I'm in NZ and also Brisbane in March next year and I'd love to get to fly an EV-97 whilst there - can anyone point me int he direction of any schools using EV-97s in the Brisbane area plse? I tried googling but only came up with some dead links. Mrs K wont be impressed if I spend time convert licence etc so just looking for an hour or so with instructor to have a fly around :) Very grateful for any steers! Have fun down there, after a great flying Autumn, winter has arrived with a vengeance. Happy days! Paul
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