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Posts posted by meglin

  1. The matrix for making this panel is shown below.

    Now you can make as many light and strong panels as you want for the Cessna C-150/152.

    Of course, it is more difficult and longer than ABS or polyester resin.

    But the advantages of heated epoxy plastic in terms of life, strength and weight are undeniable.

    You can even make it out of carbon fiber if you want.


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  2. Here would like to hear about the problems with plastic parts of Cessna airplanes.

    For some reason, what we get in our hands is all cracked, heavy, literally falls apart in our hands.

    Recently such rear interior panels were sent to me from Austria. They arrived in a huge box. One panel was already broken in half, and there were many splinters inside. In a gentle attempt to lift it, it broke in two again. The whole thing was covered with numerous cracks. Nevertheless, our experts managed to scan this horror. We have milled the dies and can produce these panels from a strong and lightweight fiberglass epoxy that is unafraid of age, ultraviolet radiation and does not support combustion.

    We now have another piece of this well-deserved airplane in our collection.

    The photo is of the parts sent in. There is a whole pile of wreckage nearby. Don't be surprised by the wood, I am heating the stove to save gas. We're already snowed in.



  3. That's probably the way it's going to be. It is true that the standard of living of the population is very low. And our city is 35 kilometers from the border. My nephew from Moscow just flew to Sydney with his wife. He is a doctor of science, speaking at a conference. It's forbidden to leave our country, so we're cooking in our own juice.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Old Koreelah said:

    Pricey, but perhaps Meglin is thinking US dollars. Converting those 2,500 Aussie dollars is about $US1,650.

    Yeah, that makes a big difference. And yet, it's significantly more expensive than my perceptions. So it seems to me that the performance must be incredible.

  5. I don't know. Maybe it's gold plated on the inside? Or has incredible performance? The price is more in line with a variable pitch propeller. We have our own prices. We've worked very hard on the Jabiru engine. Unfortunately, despite careful maintenance, none of the engines have lasted as long as they should. This may have changed now. We have tried a lot of different propellers on it. We found a suitable carbon propeller. We found the best wooden propellers for our flight speeds.  

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  6. On 8/24/2022 at 6:57 AM, Bruce Tuncks said:

    There is a very interesting post ( elsewhere on this site) about a bamboo composite material, which may turn out to be great for props. In the meantime, I am embarrassed to admit to buying a new Jabiru scimitar prop...  $2,500 dollars !

    I reckon I still would like to make my own. Maybe copy the bought one? this would possibly be illegal, but it would be fun.

    What fabulous features should a propeller have for that kind of money?

  7. I sincerely thank all my colleagues for their concern. We continue to work and try to stay afloat in the following areas: 1) production of composite propellers, 2) production of wooden propellers, 3) production of agricultural equipment for aircraft and helicopters, 4) production of agricultural equipment for drones, 5) production of plastic parts and glazing for various aircraft, 6) production of spare parts for X-32 and X-34 aircraft (unit production of said aircraft is also maintained).

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  8. Moreover, our specialists have repeatedly traveled to them. A site visit and delivery of spare parts is quite possible. As for the up-to-date operational documentation, it comes with the aircraft. If it is missing, there are two ways to go about it: 1. There are old documents on the Russian-language Internet. 2. Modern current books with all the changes made are supplied and kept up to date by special contract. 

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